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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Future of Microchips
From ACM News

The Future of Microchips

Intel, IBM, and others stake their claims to the future technology path for semiconductors.

Locking Out the Hackers
From ACM News

Locking Out the Hackers

New hardware and services are aimed at identifying malware before it has the chance to execute.

Software Agents Begin to Form Personal Rapport with ­sers
From ACM News

Software Agents Begin to Form Personal Rapport with ­sers

Making friends with software.

Knowledge Graphs Pick Needles from the Haystack
From ACM News

Knowledge Graphs Pick Needles from the Haystack

Using machine learning to wade through massive amounts of data.

Computational Learning Techniques Becoming Mainstream
From ACM News

Computational Learning Techniques Becoming Mainstream

Applying support vector machines to predictive analytics.

Anomaly Detectors Catch Zero-Day Hackers
From ACM News

Anomaly Detectors Catch Zero-Day Hackers

Faster than signature scanners, detectors spot anomalies before malware can be identified.

Visualization Streams For ­ltimate Scalability
From ACM News

Visualization Streams For ­ltimate Scalability

In this era of big data, the world needs tools that can visualize the most important aspects of data without having to hold it all in memory.

Designing Interactive Memory Joggers
From ACM News

Designing Interactive Memory Joggers

Texts, photos, and videos are the fodder of memories, which require appropriate cues to materialize those memories from custom-designed hardware, says one researcher...

Glasses Foil Facial Recognition
From ACM News

Glasses Foil Facial Recognition

The PrivacyVisor prevents facial detection/identification programs based on Haar-like feature recognition.  
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