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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones
From ACM News

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones

Ex-U.S. Marine Ernest Langdon pulls a pin and throws a small black object onto the ground. But it doesn't explode.

Trigger Finger: Apple Fires Biometrics Into the Mainstream
From ACM Opinion

Trigger Finger: Apple Fires Biometrics Into the Mainstream

By adding a fingerprint scanner to its newest mobile phone, Apple Inc. is offering a tantalizing glimpse of a future where your favorite gadget might become a biometric...

Nsa to Cut System Administrators By 90 Percent to Limit Data Access
From ACM News

Nsa to Cut System Administrators By 90 Percent to Limit Data Access

The U.S. National Security Agency, hit by disclosures of classified data by former contractor Edward Snowden, said Thursday it intends to eliminate about 90 percent...

Nsa Revelations Could Hurt Collaboration with 'betrayed' Hackers
From ACM Careers

Nsa Revelations Could Hurt Collaboration with 'betrayed' Hackers

The U.S. government's efforts to recruit talented hackers could suffer from the recent revelations about its vast domestic surveillance programs, as many private...

Software Experts Attack Cars, to Release Code As Hackers Meet
From ACM News

Software Experts Attack Cars, to Release Code As Hackers Meet

Car hacking is not a new field, but its secrets have long been closely guarded.

How Samsung Is Beating Apple in China
From ACM Careers

How Samsung Is Beating Apple in China

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook believes that "over the arc of time" China is a huge opportunity for his pathbreaking company. But time looks to be on the side of...

Taiwan a 'Testing Ground' for Chinese Cyber Army
From ACM News

Taiwan a 'Testing Ground' for Chinese Cyber Army

Taiwan is the frontline in an emerging global battle for cyberspace, according to elite hackers in the island's IT industry, who say it has become a rehearsal area...

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?
From ACM News

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?

As Superstorm Sandy bore down on the East coast last year, companies with data centers in its path needed another location fast. But moving computer servers is...

U.s. Cyberwar Strategy Stokes Fear of Blowback
From ACM News

U.s. Cyberwar Strategy Stokes Fear of Blowback

Even as the U.S. government confronts rival powers over widespread Internet espionage, it has become the biggest buyer in a burgeoning gray market where hackers...

From Hackers to Security Experts, the Balkan It Sector Is Booming
From ACM Careers

From Hackers to Security Experts, the Balkan It Sector Is Booming

After hacking the Pentagon, NASA and Britain's Royal Navy for fun, TinKode got a real job as a computer security expert for a Romanian cyber safety consultancy.

Ahead of the Curve: But Bendable Screens Still Seek Breakthrough
From ACM News

Ahead of the Curve: But Bendable Screens Still Seek Breakthrough

The touted arrival this year of wearable gadgets such as computer displays strapped to wrists and in wrap-around glasses is just a step towards a bigger revolution...

Obama Budget Makes Cybersecurity a Growing ­.s. Priority
From ACM News

Obama Budget Makes Cybersecurity a Growing ­.s. Priority

President Barack Obama proposed on Wednesday increased spending to protect U.S. computer networks from Internet-based attacks in a sign that the government aims...

Tech ­pstarts Threaten Tv Broadcast Model
From ACM Careers

Tech ­pstarts Threaten Tv Broadcast Model

Two fledgling technologies could dramatically reshape the $60 billion-a-year television broadcast industry as they challenge the business model that has helped...

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race
From ACM News

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race

Radio frequency chip makers are set to gain as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Apple Inc unveil ever more sophisticated smartphones and tablets to battle for the...

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors
From ACM News

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors

A hacking attack that brought down three South Korean broadcasters and two major banks has been identified by most commentators as North Korea flexing its muscles...

Rethinking Objects and Form Are Key to 3D Printing Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Rethinking Objects and Form Are Key to 3D Printing Revolution

3D printing has already changed the game for manufacturing specialized products such as medical devices but the real revolution will come when designers start to...

China Says ­.s. Routinely Hacks Defense Ministry Websites
From ACM News

China Says ­.s. Routinely Hacks Defense Ministry Websites

Two major Chinese military websites, including that of the Defense Ministry, were subject to about 144,000 hacking attacks a month last year, almost two-thirds...

Apple and Samsung, Frenemies For Life
From ACM Opinion

Apple and Samsung, Frenemies For Life

It was the late Steve Jobs' worst nightmare. A powerful Asian manufacturer, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, uses Google Inc's Android software to create smartphones...

U.s. Homeland Chief: Cyber 9/11 Could Happen 'imminently'
From ACM News

U.s. Homeland Chief: Cyber 9/11 Could Happen 'imminently'

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned on Thursday that a major cyber attack is a looming threat and could have the same sort of impact as last year's...

Iran Strengthened Cyber Capabilities After Stuxnet: U.s. General
From ACM News

Iran Strengthened Cyber Capabilities After Stuxnet: U.s. General

Iran responded to a 2010 cyber attack on its nuclear facilities by beefing up its own cyber capabilities, and will be a "force to be reckoned with" in the future...
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