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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorSamuel Greengard

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

License to Fly
From ACM News

License to Fly

Unmanned aerial vehicles, long used by the military, are entering the commercial sector in growing numbers. Who is going to fly them?

Apps Change the Face of Computing
From ACM News

Apps Change the Face of Computing

As computing evolves and becomes increasingly mobile, apps are fundamentally changing actions…and interactions.

Weathering a New Era of Big Data
From Communications of the ACM

Weathering a New Era of Big Data

Increased computing power combined with new and more advanced models are changing weather forecasting.

A Sense of Technology
From ACM News

A Sense of Technology

Researchers are working to add smell, taste, and touch to the digital world, but significant challenges remain.

Facial Recognition Gets Real
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Gets Real

Facial recognition and expression analysis technologies are maturing, and they're changing the face of marketing, healthcare, security, and more.

Gambling with Computers
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Gambling with Computers

Researchers are turning to computers, big data, and sophisticated algorithms to improve the odds of picking a winner.

Taking an Age-Old Approach to ­i
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Taking an Age-Old Approach to ­i

Web and app designers need to be mindful of the changing capabilities of aging users.

The Laws of Computing
From ACM News

The Laws of Computing

Expert witnesses in computing sciences navigate complex issues and sometimes-hostile lawyers in order to bring focus and resolution to high-profile legal disputes...

Museums Go Mobile
From ACM News

Museums Go Mobile

Mobile apps are redefining and reinventing the modern museum, ushering in a new era of interactivity and immersion.

Commercial Drones Take Flight
From ACM News

Commercial Drones Take Flight

Commercial drones are poised to revolutionize a wide range of industries, though regulatory and privacy concerns have created some resistance.

Feel the Disruption
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Feel the Disruption

Apple has been a leader in digital revolution disruption, and its iPhones and iPads aren't finished marginalizing PCs or making today's household and industrial...

On the Digital Trail
From Communications of the ACM

On the Digital Trail

Forensics experts increasingly use data from digital devices to solve crimes, fight lawsuits, and unravel accidents.

Advertising Gets Personal
From Communications of the ACM

Advertising Gets Personal

Online behavioral advertising and sophisticated data aggregation have changed the face of advertising and put privacy in the crosshairs.

Jobs vs. Gates, Redux
From ACM News

Jobs vs. Gates, Redux

It’s difficult to find two people who have had a greater influence on people’s lives than Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. 

Digitally Possessed
From Communications of the ACM

Digitally Possessed

Virtual possessions play an increasingly important role in our daily lives. How we think about them and deal with them is changing the way we think and interact...

Policing the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Policing the Future

Computer programs and new mathematical algorithms are helping law enforcement agencies better predict when and where crimes will occur.

The War Against Botnets
From Communications of the ACM

The War Against Botnets

Increasingly sophisticated botnets have emerged during the last several years. However, security researchers, businesses, and governments are attacking botnets...

Law and Disorder
From Communications of the ACM

Law and Disorder

International law has always been a murky and Byzantine area. However, the Internet and digital technology have raised the stakes, the risks, and the challenges...

CSEdWeek Takes Hold
From Communications of the ACM

CSEdWeek Takes Hold

Groups in more than 130 countries will participate in Computer Science Education Week this year.

What Did Steve Jobs Do For Computer Science?
From ACM News

What Did Steve Jobs Do For Computer Science?

Beyond a mind-bending array of business, societal, and technological accomplishments, there’s an often-overlooked side to Steve Jobs and Apple. The company’s contributions...
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