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authorSan Jose Mercury News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Scratching Your Head Over Sopa?

As Wikipedia and other Websites go dark Wednesday in what backers are calling the largest Internet protest ever, the epic battle between Silicon Valley and Hollywood...

From ACM News

Chinese Entrepreneurs See Apple's App Store as Entryway to Global Market

Lu Miao speaks very little English. He's never traveled outside of Asia. He's not a software engineer. But in a few short months, he became the founder of a successful...

Customers Had More Faith in Sony Than It Deserved
From ACM News

Customers Had More Faith in Sony Than It Deserved

In the wake of the recent hacking attacks, which compromised more than 100 million account records on its PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment services...

Get Ready For the Decade of Gamification
From ACM News

Get Ready For the Decade of Gamification

The popularity of video games and the explosion of social networking are intersecting to redefine how we will experience the Web over the next decade.

Now You Can Earn Virtual Currency By Watching Ads
From ACM News

Now You Can Earn Virtual Currency By Watching Ads

You know the type—social game addicts who pepper your Facebook page with updates about the wine recipe they created playing "FarmVille," or the gem broker they...

Stanford and Uc Berkeley Create Massively Collaborative Math
From ACM News

Stanford and Uc Berkeley Create Massively Collaborative Math

Have you been pondering the probability that two random integers are relatively prime? The answer—6/π²—awaits you in cyberspace.
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