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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorSan Jose Mercury News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Sri International Is an Innovation Powerhouse Trying to Rise Above the Noise of Apple, Google, and Facebook
From ACM Careers

Sri International Is an Innovation Powerhouse Trying to Rise Above the Noise of Apple, Google, and Facebook

When Intel worried years ago that its marvelous innovation wasn't being noticed by consumers-at-large, it launched the ubiquitous "Intel Inside" campaign.

Peter G. Neumann: Top Cop on the Hair-Raising Cybersecurity Beat
From ACM Opinion

Peter G. Neumann: Top Cop on the Hair-Raising Cybersecurity Beat

The threat is always there—in your car, at the office, on the table next to where you sleep at night: a near-biblical plague of worms, phisher kings, identity thieves...

Carmakers, ­.s. Worry About Hacking of Cars
From ACM News

Carmakers, ­.s. Worry About Hacking of Cars

Imagine this nightmarish possibility: al-Qaida terrorists remotely disabling the brakes on thousands of cars racing down a Bay Area freeway during the morning...

New Efforts to Extend Moore's Law
From ACM News

New Efforts to Extend Moore's Law

Continually needing to add computing power to its microprocessors, Santa Clara behemoth Intel this year announced it was venturing beyond its traditional method...

From ACM News

Intel Faces Colossal Clash

Written off by some critics as a doomed dinosaur, stuck in the tar pit of a stalling personal computer market, Intel is headed for a colossal clash as it scrambles...

Stanford Finds Cheating
From ACM News

Stanford Finds Cheating

Allegations of cheating at Stanford University have more than doubled in the past decade, with the largest number of violations involving computer science students...

IBM Advances on a Computer that Works Like a Human Brain
From ACM TechNews

IBM Advances on a Computer that Works Like a Human Brain

Researchers from IBM's Almaden Research Center and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have performed a computer simulation that matches the scale and complexity...
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