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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Customers Had More Faith in Sony Than It Deserved
From ACM News

Customers Had More Faith in Sony Than It Deserved

In the wake of the recent hacking attacks, which compromised more than 100 million account records on its PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment services...

Ex-Googlers Penetrating Silicon Valley Startup Hierarchy
From ACM News

Ex-Googlers Penetrating Silicon Valley Startup Hierarchy

It may be too soon to equate the "Xooglers," as members of the ever-expanding network of ex-Google employees call themselves, with the "PayPal Mafia"—the founders...

From ACM News

Silicon Valley's Innovators Take Aim at Your Wallet

Hang on to your wallets and purses. In the constant search for the next thing to disrupt, Silicon Valley's entrepreneurs and venture capitalists believe that...

Web Firms Face Brutal Competition in China
From ACM News

Web Firms Face Brutal Competition in China

In China's young Internet industry, competitors draw blood.

From ACM News

Tools For Maintaining Privacy on the Web

Virtually everything you do online is scrutinized by search engines and advertising networks that evaluate you as a potential customer based on what you search...

Marc Andreessen Flexes His Muscles in Silicon Valley
From ACM News

Marc Andreessen Flexes His Muscles in Silicon Valley

He spoke for Hewlett-Packard's board when it showed ex-CEO Mark Hurd the door—and is now part of the team searching for Hurd's successor. He played a role in...

Stanford Finds Cheating
From ACM News

Stanford Finds Cheating

Allegations of cheating at Stanford University have more than doubled in the past decade, with the largest number of violations involving computer science students...
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