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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorSan Jose Mercury News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Carmakers, ­.s. Worry About Hacking of Cars
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Carmakers, ­.s. Worry About Hacking of Cars

Imagine this nightmarish possibility: al-Qaida terrorists remotely disabling the brakes on thousands of cars racing down a Bay Area freeway during the morning...

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Silicon Valley Fighting Proposed Law Pushed By Hollywood

Silicon Valley is making one of its biggest lobbying pushes ever, as it fights a proposed law championed by Hollywood called the Stop Online Piracy Act. But whether...

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Intel Faces Colossal Clash

Written off by some critics as a doomed dinosaur, stuck in the tar pit of a stalling personal computer market, Intel is headed for a colossal clash as it scrambles...

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Popular Websites Share ­ser Information, Email Addresses, Stanford Study Finds

By signing onto many of the most popular sites on the Web, you may be unknowingly sharing your email address or name with other websites and data collection companies...

Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'
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Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'

You want a good look at Silicon Valley's bipolar job market? Step into the 11th-floor office of Young Sohn. The CEO of Santa Clara-based Inphi is tearing his...

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Mobile Computing Giants in Patent Free-For-All

The mobile computing boom has turned into a courthouse war of the titans, as big tech companies are increasingly engaged in high-dollar legal disputes over lucrative...

Major Breakthrough Claimed in Wireless Technology
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Major Breakthrough Claimed in Wireless Technology

Dropped calls, unsent texts, painfully slow Internet connections and overcrowded Wi-Fi hot spots have become a bane of modern life. But veteran valley entrepreneur...

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Marvell Tapped By China to Develop Mobile Phone Standard

Chipmaker Marvell, whose top management is based in Santa Clara, has been tapped to help China achieve the goal of creating its own mobile technology standards...

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How to Stay Safe Online While Traveling

 Taking a trip with always-on digital devices can be like traveling with your safe—and forgetting to lock it.

Cisco's Stumble: Did CEO John Chambers Underestimate Silicon Valley Rivals?
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Cisco's Stumble: Did CEO John Chambers Underestimate Silicon Valley Rivals?

Even in the depths of the Great Recession, while other businesses hunkered down, Cisco CEO John Chambers was eager to expand.

Apple's Path to the App Store Wasn't a Straight Road
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Apple's Path to the App Store Wasn't a Straight Road

The unveiling of the iPhone almost four years ago stands as a pivotal moment in computing history. The elegant design not only ushered in the mobile computing...

Google's Ceo Steps Into Spotlight
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Google's Ceo Steps Into Spotlight

In his most extensive public comments since becoming Google's CEO, Larry Page on Thursday delivered a carefully crafted response to critics who say the company...

New Ports Give Pcs More Speed and Flexibility
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New Ports Give Pcs More Speed and Flexibility

Computer shoppers are used to considering features such as design, processor speed, memory, battery life, and hard-disk size. But there's something else they...

Customers Had More Faith in Sony Than It Deserved
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Customers Had More Faith in Sony Than It Deserved

In the wake of the recent hacking attacks, which compromised more than 100 million account records on its PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment services...

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Browser Wars: Mozilla's Firefox Challenges Microsoft's IE, Google's Chrome

The Internet browser wars are back. Mozilla released its long-awaited Firefox 4 browser Tuesday, a critical moment for the upstart that first challenged mighty...

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Silicon Valley's Innovators Take Aim at Your Wallet

Hang on to your wallets and purses. In the constant search for the next thing to disrupt, Silicon Valley's entrepreneurs and venture capitalists believe that...

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The Winners and Losers from Google's Search Change

Google's major revamp of its search rankings last week created a new set of winners and losers, but some critics of the company say the changes are not being...

Susan Wojcicki: The Most Important Googler You've Never Heard Of
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Susan Wojcicki: The Most Important Googler You've Never Heard Of

Yes, Google started in Susan Wojcicki's rented garage. But in her mind, that might be the single least important fact about her long and deep relationship with...

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Google's Android Software Dominates ­.s. Smartphone Market

Google's Android software continued its rocket-like ascent over the summer, ending the third quarter with the dominant market share in the United States among...

Get Ready For the Decade of Gamification
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Get Ready For the Decade of Gamification

The popularity of video games and the explosion of social networking are intersecting to redefine how we will experience the Web over the next decade.
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