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Communications of the ACM


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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorSan Jose Mercury News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Developers See Google's Android Operating System Surpassing Apple's

A majority of developers believe Google's Android operating system—not Apple's iOS—will be the dominant platform in the future to power everything from smartphones...

Is Sending Signals to Aliens Really a Good Idea?
From ACM News

Is Sending Signals to Aliens Really a Good Idea?

If we are not alone in the universe, then—considering what happened to the Indians after Columbus landed in America—shouldn't we be keeping a pretty low profile...

Stanford and Uc Berkeley Create Massively Collaborative Math
From ACM News

Stanford and Uc Berkeley Create Massively Collaborative Math

Have you been pondering the probability that two random integers are relatively prime? The answer—6/π²—awaits you in cyberspace.

From ACM News

Online Dating Sites Are a Treasure Trove For Scientists

Appearances count. Meet someone before you make up your mind. And on that first date, don't give away too much.

From ACM News

Facebook Milestone: 500 Million Members; On to 1 Billion?

Facebook on Wednesday announced a remarkable milestone: 500 million active monthly users. And the velocity of its growth raises a mind-boggling possibility: Could...

Little Known Norwegian Browser Challenges the Big Boys
From ACM News

Little Known Norwegian Browser Challenges the Big Boys

No. 1 in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Belarus. It might not be a slogan to attract an avalanche of American Internet users, but the Norwegian company that makes the...

Twitter Conference Highlights Booming Growth
From ACM News

Twitter Conference Highlights Booming Growth

Type "I don't get..." into Google and among the first suggestions the search engine makes to complete the sentence is, "I don't get Twitter," right above "I don't...

Speech Technology on Cell Phones Getting Better but Still Not Perfect
From ACM News

Speech Technology on Cell Phones Getting Better but Still Not Perfect

"Cat got your tongue?" my wife asked as we bumped along the freeway one recent afternoon. "I wonder where that phrase comes from?" she added a moment later. Now...
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