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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputers And Society
authorScientific American

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'Punch-Card' DNA Could Mean Cheaper High-Capacity Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

'Punch-Card' DNA Could Mean Cheaper High-Capacity Data Storage

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers have proposed an alternative to custom-synthesizing DNA for high-capacity data storage.

Can We Identify Invasive Species Before They Invade?
From ACM TechNews

Can We Identify Invasive Species Before They Invade?

Researchers have developed models for predicting patterns of damage by invasive insects that attack North American trees.

Faced with Data Deluge, Astronomers Turn to Automation
From ACM TechNews

Faced with Data Deluge, Astronomers Turn to Automation

Researchers hope to use algorithms to improve multimessenger astronomy.

How Smarter Technology Will Feed the Planet
From ACM TechNews

How Smarter Technology Will Feed the Planet

Technology solutions increasingly are being employed to enable more efficient and intelligent agriculture.

Are Cyborg Warriors a Good Idea?
From ACM News

Are Cyborg Warriors a Good Idea?

You already have a lot to worry about. Climate change, fake news, inequality, the stability of democracy. But I feel obliged to point out yet another threat: soldiers...

Computers Determine States of Consciousness
From ACM TechNews

Computers Determine States of Consciousness

A new algorithm can distinguish between unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and a minimally conscious state through the use of  electroencephalographic brainwave...

'Superhuman' AI Triumphs Playing the Toughest Board Games
From ACM TechNews

'Superhuman' AI Triumphs Playing the Toughest Board Games

DeepMind's self-learning AlphaZero algorithm has demonstrated superhuman success at complex board games including chess, shogi, and go.

Catching Whisky Fakers
From ACM TechNews

Catching Whisky Fakers

Researchers across Europe are applying multiple methods to combat food and beverage counterfeiting.

What Does a Crooked Election Look Like?
From ACM News

What Does a Crooked Election Look Like?

For voters around the world, including the millions of Americans who will cast ballots in the midterms up to and on November 6, an election is democracy in action—an...

How Cryptojacking Can Corrupt the Internet of Things
From ACM News

How Cryptojacking Can Corrupt the Internet of Things

Cyber criminals shut down parts of the Web in October 2016 by attacking the computers that serve as the internet's switchboard.

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?
From ACM TechNews

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?

Intel Labs' Jim Clarke observes that the race to develop the first practical quantum computer is fraught with challenges.

How Twitter Bots Help Fuel Political Feuds
From ACM TechNews

How Twitter Bots Help Fuel Political Feuds

Researchers in the U.S. and China are studying a "misinformation network" related to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Spot the Fake: Artificial Intelligence Can Produce Lifelike Photographs
From ACM News

Spot the Fake: Artificial Intelligence Can Produce Lifelike Photographs

Fraudulent images have been around for as long as photography itself. Take the famous hoax photos of the Cottingley fairies or the Loch Ness monster.

Meltdown and Spectre Expose the Dark Side of Superfast Computers
From ACM Opinion

Meltdown and Spectre Expose the Dark Side of Superfast Computers

Hundreds of gadget makers and software companies at this week's annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas are staking the success of their newest products...

Deep Learning Sharpens Views of Cells and Genes
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Sharpens Views of Cells and Genes

Researchers are using deep-learning convolutional neural networks to analyze retinal photos to predict a person's blood pressure, age, and smoking status.

The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy
From ACM News

The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy

To participate in today's global economy, ordinary people must accept an asymmetrical bargain: their lives are transparent to states, banks and corporations, whereas...

Could AI Be the Future of Fake News and Product Reviews?
From ACM TechNews

Could AI Be the Future of Fake News and Product Reviews?

Researchers are experimenting with artificial intelligence-based techniques for automatically generating convincing online reviews, such as bogus restaurant critiques...

Ada Lovelace Day Honors 'the First Computer Programmer'
From ACM TechNews

Ada Lovelace Day Honors 'the First Computer Programmer'

Pioneering 19th-century English mathematician Ada Lovelace is honored on the second Tuesday of every October for her contributions to computer programming.

Chip Reprograms Cells to Regenerate Damaged Tissue
From ACM News

Chip Reprograms Cells to Regenerate Damaged Tissue

The ability to convert, or "reprogram" cells into other types has raised hopes for regenerating damaged limbs and organs. But existing methods are risky or inefficient...

Cryptographers and Geneticists ­nite to Analyze Genomes They Can't See
From ACM TechNews

Cryptographers and Geneticists ­nite to Analyze Genomes They Can't See

Stanford University cryptographer Dan Boneh and geneticist Gill Bejerano have developed a secure multiparty computation algorithm to discover disease-linked genetic...
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