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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorScientific American

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'Bar Codes' Could Trace Errant Brain Wiring in Autism and Schizophrenia
From ACM News

'Bar Codes' Could Trace Errant Brain Wiring in Autism and Schizophrenia

Neuroscientists today know a lot about how individual neurons operate but remarkably little about how large numbers of them work together to produce thoughts, feelings...

Newer Horizons: Scientist Pitch Pluto Probe as a ­nique Deep-Space Telescope
From ACM News

Newer Horizons: Scientist Pitch Pluto Probe as a ­nique Deep-Space Telescope

A maverick group of astronomers is proposing to radically reshape one of NASA's most successful missions in the modern era, the New Horizons probe that flew by...

Programming a DNA Clock
From ACM News

Programming a DNA Clock

Nature is a master at constructing biological machines and circuits, including the ones that maintain the body's internal clock, copy genes or help cells move. ...

Meltdown and Spectre Expose the Dark Side of Superfast Computers
From ACM Opinion

Meltdown and Spectre Expose the Dark Side of Superfast Computers

Hundreds of gadget makers and software companies at this week's annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas are staking the success of their newest products...

Deep Learning Sharpens Views of Cells and Genes
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Sharpens Views of Cells and Genes

Researchers are using deep-learning convolutional neural networks to analyze retinal photos to predict a person's blood pressure, age, and smoking status.

Cracking the Brain's Enigma Code
From ACM News

Cracking the Brain's Enigma Code

Brain-controlled prosthetic devices have the potential to dramatically improve the lives of people with limited mobility resulting from injury or disease.

­ltrasound Could Offer Noninvasive Treatment For Parkinson's and Depression
From ACM News

­ltrasound Could Offer Noninvasive Treatment For Parkinson's and Depression

A macaque monkey sat in front of a computer. A yellow square—the target—appeared in the periphery on the left side of the screen. After a few seconds delay, a second...

Chip Reprograms Cells to Regenerate Damaged Tissue
From ACM News

Chip Reprograms Cells to Regenerate Damaged Tissue

The ability to convert, or "reprogram" cells into other types has raised hopes for regenerating damaged limbs and organs. But existing methods are risky or inefficient...

Demystifying the Black Box That Is AI
From ACM News

Demystifying the Black Box That Is AI

When Jason Matheny joined the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) as a program manager in 2009, he made a habit of chatting to the organization's...

Ever-Elusive Neutrinos Spotted Bouncing Off Nuclei For the First Time
From ACM News

Ever-Elusive Neutrinos Spotted Bouncing Off Nuclei For the First Time

Neutrinos are famously antisocial. Of all the characters in the particle physics cast, they are the most reluctant to interact with other particles.

Robots, Start Your Engines!
From ACM News

Robots, Start Your Engines!

There's nothing like a throw-down to push new technologies out to the masses.

How Fake News Goes Viral; Here's the Math 
From ACM News

How Fake News Goes Viral; Here's the Math 

NASA runs a child-slave colony on Mars!

Lhc Physicists ­nveil a Charming New Particle
From ACM News

Lhc Physicists ­nveil a Charming New Particle

Physicists using the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, have discovered a new kind of heavy particle, they announced...

Light-Powered Computers Brighten Ai's Future
From ACM News

Light-Powered Computers Brighten Ai's Future

The idea of building a computer that uses light rather than electricity goes back more than half a century.

World's Most Powerful Particle Collider Taps AI to Expose Hack Attacks
From ACM News

World's Most Powerful Particle Collider Taps AI to Expose Hack Attacks

Thousands of scientists worldwide tap into CERN's computer networks each day in their quest to better understand the fundamental structure of the universe.

20 Years After Deep Blue: How AI Has Advanced Since Conquering Chess
From ACM Opinion

20 Years After Deep Blue: How AI Has Advanced Since Conquering Chess

Twenty years ago IBM's Deep Blue computer stunned the world by becoming the first machine to beat a reigning world chess champion in a six-game match.

The Search For Life on Mars Is About to Get Weird
From ACM News

The Search For Life on Mars Is About to Get Weird

Since the dawn of the space age NASA and other agencies have spent billions of dollars to reconnoiter Mars—assailing it with spacecraft flybys, photo-snapping orbiters...

When Autonomous Machines Can Do More Than Just Vacuum
From ACM TechNews

When Autonomous Machines Can Do More Than Just Vacuum

Rapidly aging populations will drive growth in home-based robotics, according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Rodney Brooks.

The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission For Counterfeit Electronics
From ACM News

The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission For Counterfeit Electronics

The Pentagon has known for years that a significant number of the replacement parts it buys for its missile guidance and satellite systems contain substandard counterfeit...

Ghost in the Sell: Hollywood's Mischievous Vision of AI
From ACM Opinion

Ghost in the Sell: Hollywood's Mischievous Vision of AI

Watch enough science fiction movies and you'll probably come to the conclusion that humans are living on borrowed time.
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