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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorScientific American

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Computer Scientist Tells Mathematicians How To Write Proofs
From ACM Opinion

A Computer Scientist Tells Mathematicians How To Write Proofs

Believe it or not, I do have friends who would describe themselves as not liking math, and every so often one of them will share this meme on Facebook: And then...

Visualizing 4-Dimensional Asteroids
From ACM Opinion

Visualizing 4-Dimensional Asteroids

One of the largest treasure troves of astronomical data comes from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), an ongoing scan of the firmament that began 15 years ago...

Nasa to Send Sample-Return Mission to Earth-Bound Asteroid
From ACM News

Nasa to Send Sample-Return Mission to Earth-Bound Asteroid

NASA has long wanted to send a mission to Mars to grab some of its surface and sling it back to Earth.

Map of Body's Protein-Folding Machinery Wins a Major Medical Prize
From ACM News

Map of Body's Protein-Folding Machinery Wins a Major Medical Prize

It's speculation season once again for Nobel Prize watchers.

Time Travel Simulation Resolves 'grandfather Paradox'
From ACM News

Time Travel Simulation Resolves 'grandfather Paradox'

On June 28, 2009, the world-famous physicist Stephen Hawking threw a party at the University of Cambridge, complete with balloons, hors d'oeuvres and iced champagne...

Transistor Successor Set to Bring on "the Machine" Age Soon
From ACM News

Transistor Successor Set to Bring on "the Machine" Age Soon

A replacement for the ordinary transistor may make it to market by the end of this decade, an event that will herald a radical redesign of traditional computer...

Electric Grid, You Have Software ­pdates Available
From ACM News

Electric Grid, You Have Software ­pdates Available

The electric grid was designed as a one-way highway, with power cascading out from big power plants to cities and towns at the end of the line.

How to Build an Earth-Size Telescope
From ACM News

How to Build an Earth-Size Telescope

Looking into the galactic center is hard.

Fact or Fiction?: Your Car Is Hackable
From ACM News

Fact or Fiction?: Your Car Is Hackable

When your home computer is hacked, the things at risk are your identity, finances and other digital assets.

Could Atomically Thin Tin Transform Electronics?
From ACM News

Could Atomically Thin Tin Transform Electronics?

Scientists have been trying to develop room-temperature superconductors—materials that conduct electrons with zero resistance, and do so without cumbersome, energy...

Will Ibm's Watson ­sher in a New Era of Cognitive Computing?
From ACM Opinion

Will Ibm's Watson ­sher in a New Era of Cognitive Computing?

Computers as we know them have are close to reaching an inflection point—the next generation is in sight but not quite within our grasp.

2013 Chemistry Nobel Goes to Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions
From ACM News

2013 Chemistry Nobel Goes to Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions

What is actually happening at the atomic scale when two elements react?

Ella Gale: Building a Neuromorphic (brainlike) Computer
From ACM TechNews

Ella Gale: Building a Neuromorphic (brainlike) Computer

Ella Gale, one of the young researchers attending the 1st Heidelberg Laureate Forum in Germany, says her interest is unconventional computing. 

Nsa Efforts to Evade Encryption Technology Damaged ­.s. Cryptography Standard
From ACM News

Nsa Efforts to Evade Encryption Technology Damaged ­.s. Cryptography Standard

In the three months since Edward Snowden began his whistle-blowing campaign against the National Security Agency (NSA) the former government contractor has exposed...

Integrating Left Brain and Right, on a Computer
From ACM News

Integrating Left Brain and Right, on a Computer

As computers have matured over time, the human brain has no way of keeping up with silicon's rapid-fire calculating abilities.

Pentagon Looks to Dna from Plants to Foil Electronic Component Counterfeiters
From ACM News

Pentagon Looks to Dna from Plants to Foil Electronic Component Counterfeiters

Counterfeit electronics embedded in missile guidance systems and hundred-million-dollar aircraft have become a serious problem for the U.S. military and its contractors...

Infrared and 3D Vision Systems Combine to Help Pilots Avoid Crash Landings
From ACM News

Infrared and 3D Vision Systems Combine to Help Pilots Avoid Crash Landings

When large airliners approach an airport for a landing, a combination of radio signals and high-intensity lighting shows the pilot exactly where the runway is,...

How Siri Makes Computers (and Coders) More Human
From ACM TechNews

How Siri Makes Computers (and Coders) More Human

Siri, a program in the latest Apple iPhone that can carry out a wide spectrum of vocal commands without requiring training or special syntax from the user, stands...

The $1,000 Human Genome?
From ACM News

The $1,000 Human Genome?

The race to the $1,000 genome heated up today as Life Technologies, based in Carlsbad, Calif., announced it will debut a new sequencing machine this year that...

Panoramic Tool Lets ­sers Observe Dynamic Imagery
From ACM News

Panoramic Tool Lets ­sers Observe Dynamic Imagery

New imagery available through Carnegie Mellon's GigaPan Time Machine lets users move in space and time to explore the sun, a beehive, or the chlorophyll content...
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