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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorScientific American

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why Math Works
From ACM News

Why Math Works

Most of us take it for granted that math works—that scientists can devise formulas to describe subatomic events or that engineers can calculate paths for space­craft...

Forecast For Processing and Storing Ever-Expanding Science Data: Cloudy
From ACM TechNews

Forecast For Processing and Storing Ever-Expanding Science Data: Cloudy

Scientists that previously relied on time-shared access to high-performance computers to analyze large datasets are now turning to cloud-based services from the...

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication
From ACM News

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication

Two groups of physicists have managed to shift the quantum entanglement between two photons onto an entangled state between one photon and a quantum memor.

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De-Worming Software More Effective at Detecting Infected Network Computers Before Contagion Can Spread

More than a year after being launched by hackers on a campaign to infect computers running Microsoft Windows, the Conficker worm's effects are still being felt....

Group Thinker: Researcher Gets $2.9 Million to Further Develop Swarm Intelligence
From ACM News

Group Thinker: Researcher Gets $2.9 Million to Further Develop Swarm Intelligence

Swarm intelligence is a branch of artificial intelligence that attempts to get computers and robots to mimic the highly efficient behavior of colony insects such...

Binary Body Double: Microsoft Reveals the Science Behind Project Natal for Xbox 360
From ACM News

Binary Body Double: Microsoft Reveals the Science Behind Project Natal for Xbox 360

When Nintendo's Wii game console debuted in November 2006, its motion-sensing handheld "Wiimotes" got players off the couch and onto their feet. Now Microsoft...

From ACM News

New Software Could Smooth Supercomputing Speed Bumps

Supercomputers have long been an indispensable, albeit expensive, tool for researchers who need to make sense of vast amounts of data. One way that researchers...

Gaming Tech Aids Scientists Building Virtual Synthetic Chromatophore
From ACM News

Gaming Tech Aids Scientists Building Virtual Synthetic Chromatophore

Researchers are relying on graphics processing units to help build a highly complex computer simulation depicting how chromatophore proteins create photosynthesis...
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