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subjectInformation Systems
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

To Get Truly Smart, AI Might Need to Play More Video Games
From ACM News

To Get Truly Smart, AI Might Need to Play More Video Games

The latest computer games can be fantastically realistic.

A Bitcoin-Style Currency For Central Banks
From ACM TechNews

A Bitcoin-Style Currency For Central Banks

Virtual currency could become more viable thanks to a new Bitcoin-like system developed by University College London researchers. 

Machine-Learning Algorithm Aims to Identify Terrorists Using the V Signs They Make
From ACM TechNews

Machine-Learning Algorithm Aims to Identify Terrorists Using the V Signs They Make

Ahmad Hassanat from Mu'tah University in Jordan and colleagues have developed a way to distinguish people from the unique way they make the "V for victory" sign...

Big Data Analysis Is Changing the Nature of Sports Science
From ACM TechNews

Big Data Analysis Is Changing the Nature of Sports Science

Sports scientists now can gather vast amounts of data on players and the action while games are in progress, but they still struggle to process the data in meaningful...

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar
From ACM News

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar

U.S. politicians have long threatened America's enemies with tanks, planes, submarines, and nuclear missiles. Last week defense secretary Ashton Carter leveled...

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password
From ACM News

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password

Rather than painstakingly typing in passwords on your smartphone, you may eventually just swipe a shape or other pattern on its display to authenticate yourself...

Google ­nveils Neural Network with 'superhuman' Ability to Determine the Location of Almost Any Image
From ACM News

Google ­nveils Neural Network with 'superhuman' Ability to Determine the Location of Almost Any Image

Here's a tricky task. Pick a photograph from the Web at random. Now try to work out where it was taken using only the image itself.

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?
From ACM Careers

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?

On Friday, January 8, several high-level officials from the Obama administration—including the attorney general, the White House chief of staff, and the directors...

First Evidence For the Happiness Paradox--That Your Friends Are Happier Than You Are
From ACM TechNews

First Evidence For the Happiness Paradox--That Your Friends Are Happier Than You Are

Mathematical analysis has demonstrated the validity of the claim that most people's friends have more friends than they do. 

The Missing Link of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

The Missing Link of Artificial Intelligence

In 2012 the world learned of a surprising research project inside Google's secretive X lab.

Better Brain Imaging Could Show Computers a Smarter Way to Learn
From ACM News

Better Brain Imaging Could Show Computers a Smarter Way to Learn

Machine learning is an extremely clever approach to computer programming.

Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?
From ACM News

Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?

Every day computers make many millions of electronic trades by performing delicate calculations aimed at eking out a tiny edge in terms of speed or efficiency.

Next Big Test For Ai: Making Sense of the World
From ACM News

Next Big Test For Ai: Making Sense of the World

A few years ago, a breakthrough in machine learning suddenly enabled computers to recognize objects shown in photographs with unprecedented—almost spooky—accuracy...

How an AI Algorithm Learned to Write Political Speeches
From ACM TechNews

How an AI Algorithm Learned to Write Political Speeches

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence machine that learned how to write political speeches that are very similar to real speeches. 

Can Augmented Reality Make Remote Communication Feel More Intimate?
From ACM News

Can Augmented Reality Make Remote Communication Feel More Intimate?

Nothing beats talking to another person face-to-face, but a group of researchers are considering whether a life-size projection of a person that appears to be sitting...

How Future Cars Will Predict Your Driving Maneuvers Before You Make Them
From ACM News

How Future Cars Will Predict Your Driving Maneuvers Before You Make Them

Buy a new car these days and the chances are that it will be fitted with an array of driver-assistance technologies.

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind
From ACM TechNews

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind

University of Michigan researchers have developed an inexpensive, full-page braille tablet. 

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind
From ACM News

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet For the Blind

An inexpensive, full-page braille tablet could make topics like science and math more easily accessible to the blind, according to a team of researchers who have...

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures
From ACM TechNews

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures

Researchers report training a machine-learning algorithm to recognize and generate humorous scenes. 

How Drones May Avoid Collisions By Sharing Knowledge
From ACM TechNews

How Drones May Avoid Collisions By Sharing Knowledge

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration is working with more then 130 research teams to determine how to manage drone traffic. 
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