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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Transcending Borders but Not Laws

As cloud computing spreads data around the globe, a haze of legal and privacy questions follows.

Will Super Wi-Fi Live ­p to Its Name?
From ACM News

Will Super Wi-Fi Live ­p to Its Name?

It's likely that a few years from now, Americans' laptops, smart phones, and other wireless devices will be able to get online using "Super Wi-Fi," a new standard...

From ACM News

Mining Data For Better Medicine

The antidepressant Paxil was approved for sale in 1992, the cholesterol-lowering drug Pravachol in 1996. Company studies proved that each drug, on its own, works...

The Next Wave of Botnets Could Descend from the Skies
From ACM News

The Next Wave of Botnets Could Descend from the Skies

The buzz starts low and quickly gets louder as a toy quadricopter flies in low over the buildings. It might look like flight enthusiasts having fun, but it could...

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The bitcoin, a virtual medium of exchange, could be a real alternative to government-issued money—but only if it survives hoarding by speculators.

From ACM News

Csi: Tech to Automatically Identify the Bad Guy

Researchers hope a new system could automatically scan the hours of CCTV footage police have to comb through to identify suspects without invading privacy.

From ACM News

When Social Media Mining Gets It Wrong

A complex picture of your personal life can now be pieced together using a variety of public data sources, and increasingly sophisticated data-mining techniques...

From ACM News

Why Rioters Won't Be Protected by BlackBerry Messaging System

Those involved in the recent rioting and looting in Britain are unlikely to have their identities protected by the BlackBerry Messenger service, contrary to reports...

Can Video Kill the Credit-Card Form?
From ACM News

Can Video Kill the Credit-Card Form?

The days of tediously having to punch in credit-card details whenever you make an online purchase may be numbered, thanks to a new payment system that turns any...

Beyond Cell Phone Wallets, Biometrics Promise Truly Wallet-Free Future
From ACM News

Beyond Cell Phone Wallets, Biometrics Promise Truly Wallet-Free Future

Ever since Google announced that its Android phones would be equipped with a "digital wallet" that allows users to pay for things simply by touching their phone...

Someday Your Brain Could Brake For You
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Someday Your Brain Could Brake For You

Many high-end cars today come equipped with brake assist systems, which help a driver use the brakes correctly depending on particular conditions in an emergency...

From ACM News

Massive Project to Study the Link Between Genetics and Health

Kaiser Permanente has compiled the genetic and medical data of 100,000 of its members.

From ACM News

How Divorce Lawyers Use Social Networks

Updates you've posted to Facebook and Twitter can present obvious problems when you're searching for a job or starting a new relationship. But a growing number...

From ACM News

Bug-Squashing Tools Offered to Improve Network Security

The Department of Homeland Security has announced an initiative to shore up security by squashing software bugs. This follows a slew of high-profile attacks on...

What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters
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What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters

Recent weeks have been exciting for a relatively new kind of currency speculator. In just three weeks, the total value of a unique new digital currency called...

Tracking How Mobile Apps Track You
From ACM News

Tracking How Mobile Apps Track You

Third-party apps are the weakest link in user privacy on smart phones. They often get access to large quantities of user data, and there are few rules covering...

The Next Big Thing in Analytics: Tracking Your Cursor's Every Move
From ACM News

The Next Big Thing in Analytics: Tracking Your Cursor's Every Move

Media, search engines, advertisers and social networks have been tracking what you click since the birth of the Web, but this measurement yields an incomplete...

How People Broadcast Their Locations Without Meaning To
From ACM News

How People Broadcast Their Locations Without Meaning To

Smartphones include geotagging features many people aren't aware of.

From ACM News

The Botnets That Won't Die

New communications schemes could make zombie PC networks far more difficult to shut down.

Busting the Botnets
From ACM News

Busting the Botnets

They're the scourge of the Internet—networks containing thousands or even millions of virus-infected, remote-controlled PCs. These so-called "botnets" send out...
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