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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption
From ACM News

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption

The White House and U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials support arguments by the nation’s law enforcement and intelligence leaders that encryption technology...

How Benford's Law Reveals Suspicious Activity on Twitter
From ACM News

How Benford's Law Reveals Suspicious Activity on Twitter

Back in the 1880s, the American astronomer Simon Newcomb noticed something strange about the book of logarithmic tables in his library—the earlier pages were much...

3 Questions on Killer Robots
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions on Killer Robots

Delegates to the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons are meeting this week in Geneva to discuss fully autonomous weapons—machines that could...

Probing the Whole Internet For Weak Spots
From ACM TechNews

Probing the Whole Internet For Weak Spots

When the FREAK encryption flaw was uncovered in early March, a team of researchers used a special tool to scan the entire Internet to identify vulnerable websites...

Rewriting the Rules of Turing's Imitation Game
From ACM News

Rewriting the Rules of Turing's Imitation Game

We have self-driving cars, knowledgeable digital assistants, and software capable of putting names to faces as well as any expert.

High-Resolution 3D Scans Built From Drone Photos
From ACM TechNews

High-Resolution 3D Scans Built From Drone Photos

Drones offer an inexpensive way to capture three-dimensional scans of buildings, terrain, and other objects. 

Data Mining Reveals When a Yellow Taxi Is Cheaper Than ­ber
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals When a Yellow Taxi Is Cheaper Than ­ber

A researcher compared Uber's prices with those of New York City's Yellow Cabs. 

Pagerank Algorithm Reveals World's All-Time Top Soccer Team
From ACM News

Pagerank Algorithm Reveals World's All-Time Top Soccer Team

Google's Pagerank algorithm has become one of the most famous in computer science. It was originally designed to rank websites according to their importance by...

Engineering the Perfect Baby
From ACM News

Engineering the Perfect Baby

If anyone had devised a way to create a genetically engineered baby, I figured George Church would know about it.

Data Mining Indian Recipes Reveals New Food Pairing Phenomenon
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Indian Recipes Reveals New Food Pairing Phenomenon

Indian Institute of Technology researchers have created a flavor network in which food ingredients are linked if they appear together in the same recipe. 

Internet of Dna
From ACM News

Internet of Dna

Noah is a six-year-old suffering from a disorder without a name.

Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence

Years ago I had coffee with a friend who ran a startup.

The Facebook Page That Posts the Same Picture Every Day
From ACM TechNews

The Facebook Page That Posts the Same Picture Every Day

The Facebook page "the same photo of Toto Cutugno every day" has caught the attention of fans of the Italian singer, as well as researchers. 

2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence

The holy grail of artificial intelligence—creating software that comes close to mimicking human intelligence—remains far off. But 2014 saw major strides in machine...

Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?
From ACM News

Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?

Last month in Silicon Valley, biologists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier showed up in black gowns to receive the $3 million Breakthrough Prize, a glitzy...

Linguistic Mapping Reveals How Word Meanings Sometimes Change Overnight
From ACM TechNews

Linguistic Mapping Reveals How Word Meanings Sometimes Change Overnight

To track how language evolves, Stony Brook University researcher Vivek Kulkarni and colleagues map the linguistic vector space of words. 

Twitter Firehose Reveals How Weather Affects Mood
From ACM TechNews

Twitter Firehose Reveals How Weather Affects Mood

Stanford University researchers have mined geotagged tweets for indications of mood and searched for correlations with the weather. 

Next-Generation Robot Needs Your Help
From ACM TechNews

Next-Generation Robot Needs Your Help

Carnegie Mellon University professor Manuela Veloso believes robots can be made fully autonomous by designing them to ask for help when necessary. 

How Wikipedia Data Is Revolutionizing Flu Forecasting
From ACM News

How Wikipedia Data Is Revolutionizing Flu Forecasting

This time last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta launched a competition to find the best way to forecast the characteristics of the...

Data Mining Reveals How News Coverage Varies Around the World
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals How News Coverage Varies Around the World

Researchers have analyzed news agendas in different parts of the world to see how the coverage reflects actual international events. 
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