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subjectComputers And Society
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Data Mining Reveals How News Coverage Varies Around the World
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals How News Coverage Varies Around the World

Researchers have analyzed news agendas in different parts of the world to see how the coverage reflects actual international events. 

Open Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

Open Surveillance

A new encrypted search system could enable law enforcement officials to collect data more openly without compromising investigations.

Should Industrial Robots Be Able to Hurt Their Human Coworkers?
From ACM News

Should Industrial Robots Be Able to Hurt Their Human Coworkers?

How much should a robot be allowed to hurt its coworkers?

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious
From ACM TechNews

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious

Christof Koch says it is possible people will some day create conscious machines, but they may not look as expected. 

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious
From ACM Opinion

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious

Is a worm conscious? How about a bumblebee? Does a computer that can play chess "feel" anything?

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology
From ACM News

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology

The White House said that President Obama's BRAIN Initiative is generating interest from companies and philanthropies in a sign of what it calls a wider partnership...

The Hidden World of Facebook "like Farms"
From ACM TechNews

The Hidden World of Facebook "like Farms"

A new study systematically investigated the nature of so-called Facebook "like farms," services which will direct Facebook Likes to a given Facebook page for a...

The Hidden World of Facebook 'like Farms'
From ACM News

The Hidden World of Facebook 'like Farms'

Facebook has become the advertising outlet of choice for many of the world’s businesses and companies.

Fingerprinting Infants Helps Track Vaccinations in Developing Countries
From ACM TechNews

Fingerprinting Infants Helps Track Vaccinations in Developing Countries

Developing countries could be able to track pediatric vaccinations with greater accuracy using a fingerprint-scanning system. 

In Praise of Efficient Price Gouging
From ACM Opinion

In Praise of Efficient Price Gouging

In the four years since the car service Uber launched, it has been beset by criticism from myriad groups, including city officials annoyed by its sometimes cavalier...

A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream
From ACM News

A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream

Punk bands from Blondie to the Ramones once played in Broadway Studios, an age-worn 95-year-old neoclassical building surrounded by strip clubs in San Francisco’s...

Technology Can Make Lawful Surveillance Both Open and Effective
From ACM TechNews

Technology Can Make Lawful Surveillance Both Open and Effective

New technology could enable law enforcement to identify people whose actions justify  investigation and demonstrate probable cause via an authorized electronic...

Malware Traffic Spikes Preceded Russian and Israeli Conflicts
From ACM News

Malware Traffic Spikes Preceded Russian and Israeli Conflicts

A study of malware operating on corporate and government networks suggests that the communication patterns of these programs could warn of major conflicts.

How Yahoo Research Labs Studies Culture as a Formal Computational Concept
From ACM TechNews

How Yahoo Research Labs Studies Culture as a Formal Computational Concept

Yahoo Labs researchers aim to achieve a truly computational understanding of human society by analyzing the links that form on social networks. 

The Growing Threat of Network-Based Steganography
From ACM TechNews

The Growing Threat of Network-Based Steganography

Researchers have uncovered Duqu, an unusual form of steganography-based malware that embeds itself in Microsoft Windows machines.

How Can a Civilian Plane Accidentally Be Shot Down?
From ACM News

How Can a Civilian Plane Accidentally Be Shot Down?

Pro-Russian separatists may have shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine on Thursday because they mistook the civilian plane for something else...

Self-Assembly Shows Promise for Extending Moore's Law
From ACM News

Self-Assembly Shows Promise for Extending Moore's Law

These are challenging times for computer chip engineers.

Israeli Rocket Defense System Is Failing at Crucial Task, Expert Analysts Say
From ACM News

Israeli Rocket Defense System Is Failing at Crucial Task, Expert Analysts Say

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain
From ACM News

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain

Could a person who is paralyzed and unable to speak, like physicist Stephen Hawking, use a brain implant to carry on a conversation?

Can Software Make Health Data More Private?
From ACM TechNews

Can Software Make Health Data More Private?

New software could give people more control over how their personal health information is shared between doctors and medical institutions. 
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