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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Exposé of Chinese Data Thieves Reveals Sloppy Tactics
From ACM News

Exposé of Chinese Data Thieves Reveals Sloppy Tactics

A beige office block in Shanghai's suburbs belonging to the Chinese army became world famous on Tuesday after Mandiant, a Washington-based computer security company...

Welcome to the Malware-Industrial Complex
From ACM News

Welcome to the Malware-Industrial Complex

Every summer, computer security experts get together in Las Vegas for Black Hat and DEFCON, conferences that have earned notoriety for presentations demonstrating...

The Browser Wars Go Mobile
From ACM News

The Browser Wars Go Mobile

When surfing the Web on a smartphone, most of us stick with the browser that came with our handset.

From ACM News

Software Predicts Tomorrow's News By Analyzing Today's and Yesterday's

Researchers have created software that predicts when and where disease outbreaks might occur based on two decades of New York Times articles and other online data...

An Internet For Manufacturing
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An Internet For Manufacturing

What is the industrial Internet?

Intel's New Interface Idea Is a Mash-up of All the Others
From ACM News

Intel's New Interface Idea Is a Mash-up of All the Others

At this year's Consumer Electronics Show, chipmaker Intel demoed its latest big idea: "perceptual computing."

The Algorithms That Automatically Date Medieval Manuscripts
From ACM TechNews

The Algorithms That Automatically Date Medieval Manuscripts

University of Toronto researchers have developed statistical computer techniques for dating historical documents.  

The Underdog Operating Systems Set to Shake Up the Smartphone Scene
From ACM News

The Underdog Operating Systems Set to Shake Up the Smartphone Scene

The next time you go shopping for a smartphone, you might see some unfamiliar software on the screens lining store shelves.

How Delays Propagate Across the U.s. Airport Network
From ACM TechNews

How Delays Propagate Across the U.s. Airport Network

The Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems has simulated how flight delays spread across the U.S. airport network like wildfires.  

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines
From ACM News

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines

The amount of time and money needed to sequence genomes continued to fall in 2012, perhaps to no one’s surprise.

Why China's Homemade Microchips Will Struggle to Displace Western Giants
From ACM Opinion

Why China's Homemade Microchips Will Struggle to Displace Western Giants

If China's ultimate aim in the sphere of technology is to become completely self-sufficient, it is well on the way to achieving this ambitious goal.

The Man Looking to Turn Samsung Into a Silicon Valley Trendsetter
From ACM Opinion

The Man Looking to Turn Samsung Into a Silicon Valley Trendsetter

Samsung Electronics is a company at the top of its game, having become the world’s leading smartphone manufacturer in the last year.

The Woman Charged With Making Windows 8 Succeed
From ACM Opinion

The Woman Charged With Making Windows 8 Succeed

As the head of Windows product development at Microsoft, Julie Larson-Green is responsible for a piece of software used by some 1.3 billion people worldwide.

China Developing GPS-on-a-Shoestring Plan
From ACM News

China Developing GPS-on-a-Shoestring Plan

When it comes to satellite navigation systems, everybody's gotta have one.

Leaping Into the Gesture-Control Era
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Leaping Into the Gesture-Control Era

A trip to any big electronics store this fall will tell you that computer makers from Samsung to Microsoft think laptop and desktop computers need touch screens...

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable
From ACM News

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable

What Sinofsky's Departure Suggests About the Current State, and Likely Future, of Microsoft
From ACM Opinion

What Sinofsky's Departure Suggests About the Current State, and Likely Future, of Microsoft

Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft's Windows division, abruptly left the company on November 12, shortly after introducing the latest version of the company's...

From ACM News

Say Hello, or 你好, to China’s Siri

You might not have heard of iFlyTek. The company is hardly a household name in its domestic market of China, either.

How to Steal Data from Your Neighbor in the Cloud
From ACM News

How to Steal Data from Your Neighbor in the Cloud

Cloud computing teaches people not to worry about physical equipment for hosting data and running software.

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant
From ACM Opinion

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant

Companies like Apple and Samsung are the public face of the smartphone and tablet boom, but they all rely on ARM, the British company that licenses the energy-efficient...
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