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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

An App-Led Walk Down Memory Lane
From ACM TechNews

An App-Led Walk Down Memory Lane

The Memoir iPhone app accesses photos and status updates from a user's social networks based on the user's location, what is going on, and who else is around. 

Data Mining Reveals the Secret to Getting Good Answers
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals the Secret to Getting Good Answers

A new algorithm can rank the questions and answers on question and answer websites, while weeding out off-topic and irrelevant entries.

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering
From ACM News

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering

Money laundering is increasingly becoming a cybercrime.

Graphics Chips Help Process Big Data Sets in Milliseconds
From ACM News

Graphics Chips Help Process Big Data Sets in Milliseconds

New software can use the graphics processors found on everyday computers to process torrents of data more quickly than is normally possible, opening up new ways...

How Footprint Recognition Software May Help Zoology
From ACM TechNews

How Footprint Recognition Software May Help Zoology

WildTrack has developed image-processing software that the detects physical  characteristics of animal footprints that are hard for an untrained eye to recognize...

'spoofers' Use Fake Gps Signals to Knock a Yacht Off Course
From ACM News

'spoofers' Use Fake Gps Signals to Knock a Yacht Off Course

University of Texas researchers recently tricked the navigation system of an $80 million yacht and sent the ship off course in an experiment that showed how any...

World's Most Influential Thinkers Revealed
From ACM News

World's Most Influential Thinkers Revealed

Who are the most influential thinkers on the planet? That's a question that you might imagine ought to be straightforward to determine, given the recent advances...

Intel Fuels a Rebellion Around Your Data
From ACM TechNews

Intel Fuels a Rebellion Around Your Data

Intel Labs is launching a data economy initiative to help consumers realize more of the value of their personal digital information. 

Google Puts Its Virtual Brain Technology to Work
From ACM TechNews

Google Puts Its Virtual Brain Technology to Work

Google's recently developed learning software, which can identify specific objects by watching YouTube videos, is now being used to make Google's products smarter...

Biology's Master Programmers
From ACM News

Biology's Master Programmers

George Church is an imposing figure—over six feet tall, with a large, rectangular face bordered by a brown and silver nest of beard and topped by a thick mop of...

How to Predict the Spread of News on Twitter
From ACM TechNews

How to Predict the Spread of News on Twitter

Bernardo Huberman and colleagues at Hewlett-Packard's Social Computing Lab have developed an algorithm that can predict how popular new stories will become.  

A Social-Media Decoder
From ACM News

A Social-Media Decoder

From his 24th-floor corner office in midtown Manhattan, the veteran CBS research chief David Poltrack can gaze southward down the Avenue of the Americas, its...

'big Data' Means Business Needs Mathematicians
From ACM Careers

'big Data' Means Business Needs Mathematicians

The proliferation of ways to measure things—point-of-service terminals, Web analytics, geographic and temporal records, even semantic information—means businesses...

From ACM News

Massive Project to Study the Link Between Genetics and Health

Kaiser Permanente has compiled the genetic and medical data of 100,000 of its members.

Phone App Could Keep an Eye on Your Ride
From ACM TechNews

Phone App Could Keep an Eye on Your Ride

Intel researchers are working on a project that connects the electronics inside a car to the Internet, so that mobile applications can provide a car owner with...

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo Team Up to Advance Semantic Web
From ACM News

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo Team Up to Advance Semantic Web

The move may finally encourage widespread use of technology that makes online information as comprehensible to computers as it is to humans. If the effort works...

Facebook Opens Up Its Hardware Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Opens Up Its Hardware Secrets

Facebook plans to open the designs and specifications of its new super-efficient data center. The company wants to encourage software-style openness for hardware...

From ACM News

A Search Service that Can Peer into the Future

Showing news stories on a timeline has been tried before. But Time Explorer, a prototype news search engine created in Yahoo's Barcelona research lab, generates...

From ACM News

Pitting Cloud Against Cloud

Tools that benchmark performance promise to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of competing cloud providers.

From ACM News

How Twitter Could Better Predict Disease Outbreaks

Social media is particularly useful for anyone who wants to track the present—or predict the future.
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