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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots
From ACM News

China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots

China is laying the groundwork for a robot revolution by planning to automate the work currently done by millions of low-paid workers.

When Your Boss Is an ­ber Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

When Your Boss Is an ­ber Algorithm

Researchers say Uber and Lyft's automated management systems establish new dynamics between workers and their bosses that should garner regulatory attention.

Patients Favor Changing the Genes of the Next Generation with Crispr
From ACM News

Patients Favor Changing the Genes of the Next Generation with Crispr

Jeff Carroll inherited the DNA mutation that causes Huntington's disease.

Everything You Need to Know About Crispr Gene Editing's Monster Year
From ACM News

Everything You Need to Know About Crispr Gene Editing's Monster Year

Muscle-bound beagles. Hornless cows. Better potatoes. Genetically modified human embryos.

To Study the Brain, a Doctor Puts Himself Under the Knife
From ACM Careers

To Study the Brain, a Doctor Puts Himself Under the Knife

Phil Kennedy no longer saw any other way to get the data.

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill
From ACM TechNews

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill

The fact that automated cars can never be perfectly safe raises ethical issues, such as how they should be programmed to act in the event of an unavoidable collision...

Drivers Push Tesla's Autopilot Beyond Its Abilities
From ACM News

Drivers Push Tesla's Autopilot Beyond Its Abilities

Enthusiastic Tesla owners cheered last Wednesday when the company enabled the use of an automated driving system, called Autopilot, in its Model S all-electric...

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill
From ACM News

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill

When it comes to automotive technology, self-driving cars are all the rage.

Fighting Isis Online
From ACM Opinion

Fighting Isis Online

The two men pecked out messages on opposite sides of the country.

The False Science of Cryonics
From ACM Opinion

The False Science of Cryonics

I woke up on Saturday to a heartbreaking front-page article in the New York Times about a terminally ill young woman who chooses to freeze her brain.

How International Monitors Spot Nukes and Other Rumblings
From ACM News

How International Monitors Spot Nukes and Other Rumblings

The ultimate nightmare for critics of the Iran nuclear deal being debated in Congress is that somehow, despite the agreement and all its built-in safeguards, Iran...

Tool Makes It Easier to Evade Online Censors
From ACM News

Tool Makes It Easier to Evade Online Censors

After the huge chemical explosion in Tianjin, China, this month, two cleanup efforts began.

Bitcoin's Dark Side Could Get Darker
From ACM TechNews

Bitcoin's Dark Side Could Get Darker

Programs that can confirm data and hold or use funds could help enable an insidious dimension of cryptocurrency's criminalization, according to newly released research...

Teaching Machines to ­nderstand ­S
From ACM News

Teaching Machines to ­nderstand ­S

The first time Yann LeCun revolutionized artificial intelligence, it was a false dawn.

Military Robots: Armed, But How Dangerous?
From ACM News

Military Robots: Armed, But How Dangerous?

An open letter calling for a ban on lethal weapons controlled by artificially intelligent machines was signed last week by thousands of scientists and technologists...

How Ads Follow You from Phone to Desktop to Tablet
From ACM News

How Ads Follow You from Phone to Desktop to Tablet

Imagine you slack off at work and read up online about the latest Gibson 1959 Les Paul electric guitar replica.

Who Will Own the Robots?
From ACM News

Who Will Own the Robots?

The way Hod Lipson describes his Creative Machines Lab captures his ambitions: "We are interested in robots that create and are creative."  

Smartphone Secrets May Be Better Than a Password
From ACM News

Smartphone Secrets May Be Better Than a Password

Before you read this story, try to answer the following question: Who was the first person to text you today?

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption
From ACM News

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption

The White House and U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials support arguments by the nation’s law enforcement and intelligence leaders that encryption technology...

3 Questions on Killer Robots
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions on Killer Robots

Delegates to the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons are meeting this week in Geneva to discuss fully autonomous weapons—machines that could...
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