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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Everything You Need to Know About Gene Therapy's Most Promising Year 
From ACM News

Everything You Need to Know About Gene Therapy's Most Promising Year 

For a few lucky patients, 2016 was the year when gene therapy turned from promises to cures.

AI Begins to Understand the 3D World
From ACM TechNews

AI Begins to Understand the 3D World

Artificial intelligence researchers are constructing systems that can visualize the three-dimensional world and take action.

Security Experts Warn Congress That the Internet of Things Could Kill People
From ACM News

Security Experts Warn Congress That the Internet of Things Could Kill People

A growing mass of poorly secured devices on the Internet of things represents a serious risk to life and property, and the government must intervene to mitigate...

China Turns Big Data Into Big Brother 
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China Turns Big Data Into Big Brother 

It was a drab, chill day in November, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

China's Driverless Trucks Are Revving Their Engines
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China's Driverless Trucks Are Revving Their Engines

China is gearing up to overhaul its road delivery with fleets of self-driving long-haul trucks.

World's First Photonic Neural Network ­nveiled
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World's First Photonic Neural Network ­nveiled

Neural networks are taking the world of computing by storm.

Can Crispr Save Ben Dupree?
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Can Crispr Save Ben Dupree?

At 24, Benjamin Dupree has outlived many people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Japanese Robotics Giant Gives Its Arms Some Brains
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Japanese Robotics Giant Gives Its Arms Some Brains

The big, dumb, monotonous industrial robots found in many factories could soon be quite a bit smarter, thanks to the introduction of machine-learning skills that...

Physicists Create World's First Time Crystal
From ACM TechNews

Physicists Create World's First Time Crystal

University of Maryland researchers say they have created the world's first time crystal, which could lead to quantum memory systems.

Google Builds a Robotic Hive-Mind Kindergarten
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Google Builds a Robotic Hive-Mind Kindergarten

How many robots does it take to open a door?

Google's New Service Translates Languages Almost as Well as Humans Can
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Google's New Service Translates Languages Almost as Well as Humans Can

Google's latest advance in machine learning could make the world a little smaller.

Humans Do Dumb Things with Smart Cities
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Humans Do Dumb Things with Smart Cities

New York City wants to make Wi-Fi available to anyone who walks its streets. But Gotham is finding out the hard way that free and open Internet access is ripe for...

The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the ­niverse
From ACM News

The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the ­niverse

In the last couple of years, deep learning techniques have transformed the world of artificial intelligence.

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader

When Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to help the FBI get into a mass murderer's iPhone last winter, he was hailed for his boldness in fighting the government on ...

Self-Driving Cars Can Learn a Lot By Playing Grand Theft Auto
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Cars Can Learn a Lot By Playing Grand Theft Auto

Several research groups are using the "Grand Theft Auto" video game to educate algorithms with potential application to self-driving vehicle navigation.

What Robots Can Learn From Babies
From ACM TechNews

What Robots Can Learn From Babies

New software can predict how objects captured by a computing device's camera will most likely behave.

Arm Wrestles Its Way Into Supercomputing
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Arm Wrestles Its Way Into Supercomputing

The designer of the chips that run most of the world's mobile devices has announced its first dedicated processor for use in supercomputers.

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked
From ACM News

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked

Not everything belongs on the Internet, and the American electoral process is a textbook example. But 31 states don't see it that way.

New Brain-Mapping Technique Captures Every Connection Between Neurons
From ACM News

New Brain-Mapping Technique Captures Every Connection Between Neurons

The human brain is among the universe’s greatest remaining uncharted territories. And as with any mysterious land, the secret to understanding it begins with a...

This Supercomputer Will Try to Find Intelligence on Reddit
From ACM News

This Supercomputer Will Try to Find Intelligence on Reddit

Is it possible that the secret to building machine intelligence lies in spending endless hours reading Reddit?
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