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subjectInformation Systems
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked
From ACM News

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked

Not everything belongs on the Internet, and the American electoral process is a textbook example. But 31 states don't see it that way.

New Brain-Mapping Technique Captures Every Connection Between Neurons
From ACM News

New Brain-Mapping Technique Captures Every Connection Between Neurons

The human brain is among the universe’s greatest remaining uncharted territories. And as with any mysterious land, the secret to understanding it begins with a...

This Supercomputer Will Try to Find Intelligence on Reddit
From ACM News

This Supercomputer Will Try to Find Intelligence on Reddit

Is it possible that the secret to building machine intelligence lies in spending endless hours reading Reddit?

Data Mining Reveals First Evidence That Absence Really Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals First Evidence That Absence Really Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder

A project to data-mine mobile phone records found people invest more in relationships where there exists a risk of the relationship weakening.

Machine-Learning Algorithm Combs the Darknet For Zero Day Exploits, and Finds Them
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Machine-Learning Algorithm Combs the Darknet For Zero Day Exploits, and Finds Them

In February 2015, Microsoft identified a critical vulnerability in its Windows operating system that potentially allowed a malicious attacker to remotely control...

Single-Pixel Camera Reaches Milestone, Mimicking Human Vision
From ACM News

Single-Pixel Camera Reaches Milestone, Mimicking Human Vision

Computational imaging is undergoing a revolution. This is the discipline of making images using computational techniques rather than optical ones.

Pentagon Bot Battle Shows How Computers Can Fix Their Own Flaws
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Pentagon Bot Battle Shows How Computers Can Fix Their Own Flaws

It might be the least spectacular show to ever grace a Las Vegas stage.

Facebook Plans to Beam Internet to Backwaters With Lasers
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Plans to Beam Internet to Backwaters With Lasers

Facebook Connectivity Lab researchers have developed an optical technology to help laser beams deliver fast Internet access to remote areas.

Minecraft Is a Testing Ground For Human-AI Collaboration
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Minecraft Is a Testing Ground For Human-AI Collaboration

The blockish and slightly dorky computer game Minecraft may turn out to be a great place for humans and AI to learn how to work together.

Tougher Turing Test Exposes Chatbots' Stupidity
From ACM TechNews

Tougher Turing Test Exposes Chatbots' Stupidity

The results of the Winograd Schema Challenge revealed much more work needs to be done to make computers truly intelligent.

Inside Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Engine Room
From ACM TechNews

Inside Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Engine Room

A complex in Prineville, OR, that houses Facebook servers recently was expanded with high-powered servers designed to accelerate research into machine learning....

DARPA Hopes Automation Can Create the Perfect Hacker
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DARPA Hopes Automation Can Create the Perfect Hacker

Look out, human hackers. Pentagon research agency DARPA says people are too slow at finding and fixing security bugs and wants to see smart software take over the...

If a Driverless Car Goes Bad We May Never Know Why
From ACM News

If a Driverless Car Goes Bad We May Never Know Why

Two recent accidents involving Tesla's Autopilot system may raise questions about how computer systems based on learning should be validated and investigated when...

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race
From ACM TechNews

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race

The U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report finding the Federal Bureau of Investigation has not properly tested the accuracy of its face-matching...

Control Your Smartphone with Your Eyes
From ACM News

Control Your Smartphone with Your Eyes

In an effort to make eye tracking cheap, compact, and accurate enough to be included in smartphones, a group of researchers is crowdsourcing the collection of gaze...

As It Searches For Suspects, the Fbi May Be Looking at You
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As It Searches For Suspects, the Fbi May Be Looking at You

The FBI has access to nearly 412 million photos in its facial recognition system—perhaps including the one on your driver's license.

Supercomputer Powered By Mobile Chips Suggests New Threat to Intel
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Supercomputer Powered By Mobile Chips Suggests New Threat to Intel

First Human Test of CRISPR Proposed
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First Human Test of CRISPR Proposed

A federal safety board next week will consider the first human use of the gene-editing technology CRISPR, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images
From ACM TechNews

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images

Researchers at Denmark's Radboud University have trained a deep convolutional neural network to convert hand-drawn sketches of faces into photorealistic portraits...

First Demonstration of 10-Photon Quantum Entanglement Sets New Record
From ACM News

First Demonstration of 10-Photon Quantum Entanglement Sets New Record

Entanglement is the strange phenomenon in which quantum particles become so deeply linked that they share the same existence.
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