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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine
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First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine

One of the great unsung heroes of 20th century science was a mathematician and engineer at the famous Bell Laboratories in New Jersey called Claude Shannon.

Mobile Phone Records Reveal Largest Gathering in the History of Humanity
From ACM News

Mobile Phone Records Reveal Largest Gathering in the History of Humanity

Mobile phones have revolutionized the way scientists study human behavior, allowing them to watch people on a scale that has never been previously imagined.

How Ad Blockers Have Triggered an Arms Race on the Web
From ACM TechNews

How Ad Blockers Have Triggered an Arms Race on the Web

A team at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has conducted the first large-scale analysis of ad-block detection on the Internet. 

Largest Study of Online Tracking Proves Google Really Is Watching ­S All
From ACM TechNews

Largest Study of Online Tracking Proves Google Really Is Watching ­S All

Researchers at Princeton University say they have conducted the largest study yet on the technology that tracks people's movements around the Web. 

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence
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How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence

The possibility that a malevolent artificial intelligence might pose a serious threat to humankind has become a hotly debated issue.

Robots Learn How to Make Friends and Influence People
From ACM TechNews

Robots Learn How to Make Friends and Influence People

Stanford University researchers have developed a computer-vision algorithm that predicts the movement of people in a busy space. 

How to Make Passwords That Cannot Be Compromised By Torture or Coercion
From ACM TechNews

How to Make Passwords That Cannot Be Compromised By Torture or Coercion

Researchers have hypothesized a method to measure an individual's stress levels and determine whether they are being coerced into revealing a password. 

Algorithm Clones Van Gogh's Artistic Style and Pastes It Onto Other Images, Movies
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Algorithm Clones Van Gogh's Artistic Style and Pastes It Onto Other Images, Movies

The nature of artistic style is something of a mystery to most people.

Gene Therapy's First Out-and-Out Cure Is Here
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Gene Therapy's First Out-and-Out Cure Is Here

A treatment now pending approval in Europe will be the first commercial gene therapy to provide an outright cure for a deadly disease.

Ibm Inches Ahead of Google in Race For Quantum Computing Power
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Ibm Inches Ahead of Google in Race For Quantum Computing Power

All kinds of things are hooked up to the Internet these days, but Jerry Chow's computer stands out. Chilled by liquid helium, his superconducting processor uses...

Will Artificial Intelligence Win the Caption Contest?
From ACM News

Will Artificial Intelligence Win the Caption Contest?

When social-media users upload photographs and caption them, they don't just label their contents. They tell a story, which gives the photos context and additional...

A Simple Way to Hasten the Arrival of Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

A Simple Way to Hasten the Arrival of Self-Driving Cars

Researchers have compiled a massive public dataset for self-driving vehicles culled from thousands of hours of data from a single stretch of road over a 12-month...

Why a Chip That's Bad at Math Can Help Computers Tackle Harder Problems
From ACM News

Why a Chip That's Bad at Math Can Help Computers Tackle Harder Problems

Your math teacher lied to you. Sometimes getting your sums wrong is agood thing.

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready
From ACM News

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready

It is easy to take for granted the advancements in our mobile phones, wearable electronics, and other gadgets. But advances in computing rely on processes that...

Turing Tests and the Problem of Artificial Olfaction
From ACM TechNews

Turing Tests and the Problem of Artificial Olfaction

The ability to reproduce scent artificially is surprisingly complex, and the work of the Weizmann Institute of Science's David Harel sheds light on the issue. 

Data-Mining Algorithm Reveals the Stormy Evolution of Mathematics Over 700 Years
From ACM TechNews

Data-Mining Algorithm Reveals the Stormy Evolution of Mathematics Over 700 Years

University of Namur researchers are using network science to map the links between mathematicians of the last 700 years. 

A $2 Billion Chip to Accelerate Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

A $2 Billion Chip to Accelerate Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence has experienced a striking spurt of progress in recent years, with software becoming much better at understanding images, speech...

Data-Mining Algorithm Reveals the Stormy Evolution of Mathematics Over 700 Years
From ACM News

Data-Mining Algorithm Reveals the Stormy Evolution of Mathematics Over 700 Years

The history of mathematics is in some ways a study of the human mind and how it has understood the world.

How AI Is Feeding China's Internet Dragon
From ACM News

How AI Is Feeding China's Internet Dragon

Shortly after walking through the front doors of Baidu in Beijing last November, I was surprised to notice that my face had transformed into that of a cheerful-­looking...

How Google Deepmind Plans to Solve Intelligence
From ACM News

How Google Deepmind Plans to Solve Intelligence

Padded walls, gloomy lighting, and a ceiling with floral wallpaper.
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