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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Edging Its Way Into Our Lives
From ACM News

How Artificial Intelligence Is Edging Its Way Into Our Lives

In Phoenix, Ariz., cars are self-navigating the streets. In many homes, people are barking commands at tiny machines, with the machines responding. On our smartphones...

As China Marches Forward on  A.I., the White House Is Silent
From ACM News

As China Marches Forward on A.I., the White House Is Silent

In July, China unveiled a plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence and create an industry worth $150 billion to its economy by 2030.

Winter Olympics’ Security on Alert, but Hackers Have a Head Start
From ACM News

Winter Olympics’ Security on Alert, but Hackers Have a Head Start

More than 300 Olympics-related computer systems have already been hit, with many of them compromised.

Newly Discovered Form of Water Ice Is 'really Strange'
From ACM News

Newly Discovered Form of Water Ice Is 'really Strange'

Scientists have confirmed a form of water that is simultaneously solid and liquid. It is the latest advance in the study of water, a seemingly simple substance...

If Workers Slack Off, the Wristband Will Know. (and Amazon Has a Patent For It.)
From ACM News

If Workers Slack Off, the Wristband Will Know. (and Amazon Has a Patent For It.)

What if your employer made you wear a wristband that tracked your every move, and that even nudged you via vibrations when it judged that you were doing something...

Twitter Followers Vanish Amid Inquiries Into Fake Accounts
From ACM News

Twitter Followers Vanish Amid Inquiries Into Fake Accounts

More than a million followers have disappeared from the accounts of dozens of prominent Twitter users in recent days as the company faces growing criticism over...

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule
From ACM News

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule

Over the past two months, Google has started letting people around the world choose what data they want to share with its various products, including Gmail and...

Can Software Predict Crime? Maybe So, but No Better Than a Human
From ACM News

Can Software Predict Crime? Maybe So, but No Better Than a Human

Can you predict a crime?

Big Bets on A.i. Open a New Frontier For Chip Start-­ps, Too
From ACM Careers

Big Bets on A.i. Open a New Frontier For Chip Start-­ps, Too

For years, tech industry financiers showed little interest in start-up companies that made computer chips.

Russia and Venezuela's Plan to Sidestep Sanctions: Virtual Currencies
From ACM News

Russia and Venezuela's Plan to Sidestep Sanctions: Virtual Currencies

Russian and Venezuelan officials are hoping virtual currencies can help their countries make an end run around American sanctions.

How Do You Vote? 50 Million Google Images Give a Clue
From ACM News

How Do You Vote? 50 Million Google Images Give a Clue

What vehicle is most strongly associated with Republican voting districts? Extended-cab pickup trucks. For Democratic districts? Sedans.

Scientists Are Designing Artisanal Proteins For Your Body
From ACM News

Scientists Are Designing Artisanal Proteins For Your Body

Our bodies make roughly 20,000 different kinds of proteins, from the collagen in our skin to the hemoglobin in our blood. Some take the shape of molecular sheets...

The Robots Are Coming, and Sweden Is Fine
From ACM News

The Robots Are Coming, and Sweden Is Fine

From inside the control room carved into the rock more than half a mile underground, Mika Persson can see the robots on the march, supposedly coming for his job...

Finalists in Nasa's Spacecraft Sweepstakes: A Drone on Titan, and a Comet-Chaser
From ACM News

Finalists in Nasa's Spacecraft Sweepstakes: A Drone on Titan, and a Comet-Chaser

Would you like NASA to fly a drone across Saturn's largest moon, or to send a probe to collect samples from a duck-shaped comet?

Why Doesn't the N.f.l. ­se Tracking Technology For First-Down Calls?
From ACM Careers

Why Doesn't the N.f.l. ­se Tracking Technology For First-Down Calls?

It was a scene almost designed to show the folly of the N.F.L.'s first-down measurement system.

Scientists 'inject' Information Into Monkeys' Brains
From ACM News

Scientists 'inject' Information Into Monkeys' Brains

When you drive toward an intersection, the sight of the light turning red will (or should) make you step on the brake. This action happens thanks to a chain of...

Google Missed Out on China. Can It Flourish in India?
From ACM News

Google Missed Out on China. Can It Flourish in India?

Every month, about four million more Indians get online. They include people like Manju, a 35-year-old seamstress in this city of ancient palaces, who got her first...

China's A.i. Advances Help Its Tech Industry, and State Security
From ACM News

China's A.i. Advances Help Its Tech Industry, and State Security

During President Trump's visit to Beijing, he appeared on screen for a special address at a tech conference.

Five Technologies That Will Rock Your World
From ACM News

Five Technologies That Will Rock Your World

After the Russian hacking of the 2016 election, many people worry that technology has gone too far.

Building A.i. That can Build A.i.
From ACM News

Building A.i. That can Build A.i.

They are a dream of researchers but perhaps a nightmare for highly skilled computer programmers: artificially intelligent machines that can build other artificially...
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