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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What Virtual Reality Can Teach a Driverless Car
From ACM TechNews

What Virtual Reality Can Teach a Driverless Car

Major companies are testing autonomous car software within virtual reality simulations of cities.

How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media
From ACM News

How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media

Hours after the Las Vegas massacre, Travis McKinney's Facebook feed was hit with a scattershot of conspiracy theories.

Justices to Decide on Forcing Technology Firms to Provide Data Held Abroad
From ACM News

Justices to Decide on Forcing Technology Firms to Provide Data Held Abroad

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to decide whether federal prosecutors can force technology companies to turn over data stored outside the United States. 

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More.
From ACM News

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More.

When North Korean hackers tried to steal $1 billion from the New York Federal Reserve last year, only a spelling error stopped them.

How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World For ­.s. Secrets
From ACM News

How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World For ­.s. Secrets

It was a case of spies watching spies watching spies: Israeli intelligence officers looked on in real time as Russian government hackers searched computers around...

How Computers Turned Gerrymandering Into a Science
From ACM News

How Computers Turned Gerrymandering Into a Science

About as many Democrats live in Wisconsin as Republicans do.

Scientists in Mexico Scramble to Deploy Seismic Sensors
From ACM News

Scientists in Mexico Scramble to Deploy Seismic Sensors

Late one night in September, Victor Cruz, a geophysicist at Mexico's National Autonomous University, submitted an article to a scientific journal describing progress...

­Understanding Ethereum, Bitcoin's Virtual Cousin
From ACM Careers

­Understanding Ethereum, Bitcoin's Virtual Cousin

Bitcoin has many cousins and competitors. None have grown more popular than Ethereum, a global computer network with its own virtual currency, called Ether.

New Gravitational Wave Detection From Colliding Black Holes
From ACM News

New Gravitational Wave Detection From Colliding Black Holes

In another step forward for the rapidly expanding universe of invisible astronomy, scientists said on Wednesday that on Aug. 14 they had recorded the space-time...

How the Internet Kept Humming During 2 Hurricanes
From ACM News

How the Internet Kept Humming During 2 Hurricanes

At one node of the industrial backbone that keeps the internet running, employees sheltered from the worst of Hurricane Irma in a stairwell of a seven-story building...

Chips Off the Old block: Computers Are Taking Design Cues from Human Brains
From ACM News

Chips Off the Old block: Computers Are Taking Design Cues from Human Brains

We expect a lot from our computers these days. They should talk to us, recognize everything from faces to flowers, and maybe soon do the driving.

Back to Saturn? Five Missions Proposed to Follow Cassini
From ACM News

Back to Saturn? Five Missions Proposed to Follow Cassini

For 13 years, NASA's Cassini spacecraft sent back captivating observations of Saturn, and its rings and moons, solving some mysteries but raising plenty of new...

As Amazon Pushes Forward With Robots, Workers Find New Roles
From ACM News

As Amazon Pushes Forward With Robots, Workers Find New Roles

Nissa Scott started working at the cavernous Amazon warehouse in southern New Jersey late last year, stacking plastic bins the size of small ottomans.

In the Future, Warehouse Robots Will Learn on Their Own
From ACM News

In the Future, Warehouse Robots Will Learn on Their Own

The robot was perched over a bin filled with random objects, from a box of instant oatmeal to a small toy shark.

The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election
From ACM News

The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election

Sometimes an international offensive begins with a few shots that draw little notice.

The Smartphone's Future: It's All About the Camera
From ACM News

The Smartphone's Future: It's All About the Camera

We all know the drill. For the last decade, smartphones have gotten thinner and faster and thinner and faster and, well, you get the picture.

Why a 24-Year-Old chipmaker Is One Of tech's Hot Prospects
From ACM News

Why a 24-Year-Old chipmaker Is One Of tech's Hot Prospects

Engineers at, an imaging-technology start-up in Poland, are trying to popularize a more comfortable alternative to the colonoscopy.

With a Simple Dna Test, family Histories Are Rewritten
From ACM News

With a Simple Dna Test, family Histories Are Rewritten

Bob Hutchinson's mother told him and his siblings almost nothing about her family, no matter how often they asked. "She was good at brushing people off," said Mr...

A Game You Can Control With Your Mind
From ACM News

A Game You Can Control With Your Mind

When you pull the headset over your eyes and the game begins, you are transported to a tiny room with white walls.

A Hunt For Ways to Combat Online Radicalization
From ACM Opinion

A Hunt For Ways to Combat Online Radicalization

Law enforcement officials, technology companies and lawmakers have long tried to limit what they call the "radicalization" of young people over the internet.
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