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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Adds to Its Menagerie of Robots
From ACM News

Google Adds to Its Menagerie of Robots

BigDog, Cheetah, WildCat, and Atlas have joined Google's growing robot menagerie.

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android
From ACM Opinion

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android

In an out-of-the-way Google office, two life-size humanoid robots hang suspended in a corner.

Willis Ware, Who Helped Build Blueprint For Computer Design, Dies at 93
From ACM News

Willis Ware, Who Helped Build Blueprint For Computer Design, Dies at 93

Willis H. Ware, an electrical engineer who played an important role in defining the importance of personal privacy in the information age, has died at age 93.

Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics
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Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics

What could possibly go wrong?

Nasa Probe May Help Solve Riddle of Mars's Missing Air
From ACM News

Nasa Probe May Help Solve Riddle of Mars's Missing Air

NASA's next mission to Mars aims to answer one question: What happened to the air that once made the surface habitable?

Ibm to Announce More Powerful Watson via the Internet
From ACM News

Ibm to Announce More Powerful Watson via the Internet

Welcome to the age of supercomputing for everyone.

Making Robots More Like ­S
From ACM News

Making Robots More Like ­S

On a recent morning Natanel Dukan walked into the Paris offices of the French robot maker Aldebaran and noticed one of the company's humanoid NAO robots sitting...

The ­mbilical Link of Man to Robot
From ACM News

The ­mbilical Link of Man to Robot

Atlas doesn't shrug. But he teeters, loses his grip, stutters, and staggers.

The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence

A gaggle of Harry Potter fans descended for several days this summer on the Oregon Convention Center in Portland for the Leaky Con gathering, an annual haunt of...

How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them
From ACM Opinion

How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them

I like to think of my Roomba as cute and industrious.

Master's Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online
From ACM Careers

Master's Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online

Next January, the Georgia Institute of Technology plans to offer a master’s degree in computer science through massive open online courses for a fraction of the...

How to Share Scientific Data
From ACM News

How to Share Scientific Data

Stewart Brand, the founder of the Whole Earth catalog and a Silicon Valley muse, once said that information wanted to be free and expensive, simultaneously. That...

As New Targets For Hackers, Your Car and Your House
From ACM News

As New Targets For Hackers, Your Car and Your House

Imagine driving on the freeway at 60 miles per hour and your car suddenly screeches to a halt, causing a pileup that injures dozens of people.

Computer-Brain Interfaces Making Big Leaps
From ACM News

Computer-Brain Interfaces Making Big Leaps

Scientists haven't yet found a way to mend a broken heart, but they're edging closer to manipulating memory and downloading instructions from a computer right into...

Faster Than the Speed of Light?
From ACM News

Faster Than the Speed of Light?

Beyond the security gate at the Johnson Space Center’s 1960s-era campus here, inside a two-story glass and concrete building with winding corridors, there is a...

F.T.C. Turns a Lens on Abusers of the Patent System
From ACM News

F.T.C. Turns a Lens on Abusers of the Patent System

To its defenders, Intellectual Ventures is a revolutionary company unfairly viewed, in the words of its co-founder Peter N. Detkin, "as the poster child of everything...

Modest Debut of Atlas May Foreshadow Age of 'robo Sapiens'
From ACM News

Modest Debut of Atlas May Foreshadow Age of 'robo Sapiens'

Moving its hands as if it were dealing cards and walking with a bit of a swagger, a Pentagon-financed humanoid robot named Atlas made its first public appearance...

Medicine That Monitors You
From ACM News

Medicine That Monitors You

They look like normal pills, oblong and a little smaller than a daily vitamin.

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.
From ACM News

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.

Get right up close to Dmitry Itskov and sniff all you like—you will not pick up even the faintest hint of crazy.

A Quantum Computer Aces Its Test
From ACM News

A Quantum Computer Aces Its Test

The long-sought quantum computer, a machine potentially far ahead of today's best supercomputers, is almost as hard to define as it is to build.
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