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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Microsoft Ponders Future of Kinect, Tech
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Microsoft Ponders Future of Kinect, Tech

When Microsoft thinks about the future of technology, it seems to do so with its stomach.

From ACM News

Physicists Create a Working Transistor From a Single Atom

Australian and American physicists have built a working transistor from a single phosphorus atom embedded in a silicon crystal.

From ACM News

New Storage Device Is Very Small, at 12 Atoms

Researchers at I.B.M. have stored and retrieved digital 1s and 0s from an array of just 12 atoms, pushing the boundaries of the magnetic storage of information...

Speed of Light Lingers in Face of New Camera
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Speed of Light Lingers in Face of New Camera

More than 70 years ago, the MIT electrical engineer Harold (Doc) Edgerton began using strobe lights to create remarkable photographs: a bullet stopped in flight...

Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing
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Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing

Ever since the early days of modern computing in the 1940s, the biological metaphor has been irresistible.

Software That Listens For Lies
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Software That Listens For Lies

She looks as innocuous as Miss Marple, Agatha Christie’s famous detective.

A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicon's Successor
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A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicon's Successor

In a cluttered chip-making laboratory on Stanford's campus, Max Shulaker is producing the world's smallest computer circuits by hand.

It Started Digital Wheels Turning
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It Started Digital Wheels Turning

Researchers in Britain are about to embark on a 10-year, multimillion-dollar project to build a computer—but their goal is neither dazzling analytical power nor...

Catching a Wave, and Measuring It
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Catching a Wave, and Measuring It

James Gosling wants to network the world’s oceans.

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H.p. Builds Servers With Cellphone Chips

Hewlett-Packard announced on Tuesday a new design for some of the world's largest computer centers and says it could reduce power consumption in some cases by...

From ACM News

In Surprise, China ­nveils Supercomputer Based on Its Own Chips

China has made its first supercomputer based on Chinese microprocessor chips, an advance that surprised high-performance computing specialists in the United States...

From ACM Opinion

The Genius of Jobs

One of the questions I wrestled with when writing about Steve Jobs was how smart he was. On the surface, this should not have been much of an issue.

How Revolutionary Tools Cracked a 1700s Code
From ACM News

How Revolutionary Tools Cracked a 1700s Code

It has been more than six decades since Warren Weaver, a pioneer in automated language translation, suggested applying code-breaking techniques to the challenge...

From ACM News

In Supercomputing, a Turn to Energy-Saving Graphics Chips

In computing, as in so many fields, the best path to progress is often not a straight line.

Remote Control, With a Wave of a Hand
From ACM News

Remote Control, With a Wave of a Hand

Playing a computer game once meant sitting on the couch and pushing buttons on a controller, but those buttons have been disappearing of late, replaced by human...

Animated or Real, Both Are Believable
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Animated or Real, Both Are Believable

It is still possible to distinguish between a living, breathing character in a movie and an animated one—but it is getting harder.

From ACM News

Attention to Detail, Noted in 313 Patents

When people in the technology industry speak of Steven P. Jobs’s knack for design, they often have Apple’s iconic products in mind: the early all-in-one Macintosh...

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The Auteur vs. the Committee

At Apple, one is the magic number.

Google Looks For the Next Google
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Google Looks For the Next Google

Google thinks it can be young and crazy again. And it is betting $200 million that it is right.

­sing Light to Send Data Across the Room
From ACM News

­sing Light to Send Data Across the Room

After Wi-Fi, will there be… Li-Fi?
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