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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Scientists Are Astir After Baidu Team Is Barred From A.i. Competition
From ACM News

Computer Scientists Are Astir After Baidu Team Is Barred From A.i. Competition

A group of researchers at the Chinese web services company Baidu have been barred from participating in an international competition for artificial intelligence...

New Approach Trains Robots to Match Human Dexterity and Speed
From ACM News

New Approach Trains Robots to Match Human Dexterity and Speed

In an engineering laboratory here, a robot has learned to screw the cap on a bottle, even figuring out the need to apply a subtle backward twist to find the thread...

Planes Without Pilots
From ACM TechNews

Planes Without Pilots

Modern airplanes are highly automated, but some researchers say there is room to automate planes even further.

Planes Without Pilots
From ACM News

Planes Without Pilots

Mounting evidence that the co-pilot crashed a Germanwings plane into a French mountain has prompted a global debate about how to better screen crewmembers for mental...

If an Algorithm Wrote This, How Would You Even Know?
From ACM Opinion

If an Algorithm Wrote This, How Would You Even Know?

Let me hazard a guess that you think a real person has written what you're reading. Maybe you're right. Maybe not.

Hoping Google's Lab Is a Rainmaker
From ACM Careers

Hoping Google's Lab Is a Rainmaker

Google's research arm, Google X, is called the company's Moonshot Factory. One reason the company picked the word "Moonshot" was to remind people to tackle big...

Death By Robot
From ACM TechNews

Death By Robot

Many roboticists are realizing autonomous robots  inevitably will find themselves in situations that require a moral judgment.

As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep ­p
From ACM TechNews

As Robots Grow Smarter, American Workers Struggle to Keep ­p

Economists and technologists have long said the march of technological progress and increased automation will create new jobs and opportunities that offset the...

Innovators of Intelligence Look to Past
From ACM News

Innovators of Intelligence Look to Past

Inside the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, known as AI2, everything is a gleaming architectural white.

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate
From ACM Opinion

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate

When "Captain Ridley's shooting party" gathered here in late August 1938 as weekend guests at Bletchley Park, a Buckinghamshire country house, they were accompanied...

Researchers Announce Advance in Image-Recognition Software
From ACM News

Researchers Announce Advance in Image-Recognition Software

Two groups of scientists, working independently, have created artificial intelligence software capable of recognizing and describing the content of photographs...

Window Washing Skills Beyond a Robot's Reach
From ACM News

Window Washing Skills Beyond a Robot's Reach

As a pair of window washers clung to a scaffold dangling outside the 68th floor of 1 World Trade Center on Wednesday, the captivating drama left some below wondering...

Weapons Directed By Robots, Not Humans, Raise Ethical Questions
From ACM News

Weapons Directed By Robots, Not Humans, Raise Ethical Questions

On a bright fall day last year off the coast of Southern California, an Air Force B-1 bomber launched an experimental missile that may herald the future of warfare...

Learning How Little We Know About the Brain
From ACM News

Learning How Little We Know About the Brain

Research on the brain is surging.

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola
From ACM News

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola

Robotics scientists nationwide are pondering an intriguing possibility: Might robotic technologies deployed in rescue and disaster situations be quickly repurposed...

To Siri, With Love
From ACM Opinion

To Siri, With Love

Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri.

Technology Takes the Wheel
From ACM News

Technology Takes the Wheel

Google's driverless car may still be a work in progress, but the potential for semiautonomous vehicles on American roads is no longer the stuff of science fiction...

The Google Formula For Success
From ACM Careers

The Google Formula For Success

Can Google’s winning ways be applied to all kinds of businesses?

Drone Exemptions For Hollywood Pave the Way For Widespread ­se
From ACM News

Drone Exemptions For Hollywood Pave the Way For Widespread ­se

The commercial use of drones in American skies took a leap forward on Thursday with the help of Hollywood. The Federal Aviation Administration said six companies...

Brainy, Yes, but Far From Handy
From ACM News

Brainy, Yes, but Far From Handy

In factories and warehouses, robots routinely outdo humans in strength and precision.
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