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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

To Win Over Users, Gadgets Have to Be Touchable

Whoever said technology was dehumanizing was wrong. On screens everywhere—cellphones, e-readers, A.T.M.’s—as Diana Ross sang, we just want to reach out and touch...

From ACM News

Advances Offer Path to Shrink Computer Chip

Scientists at Rice University and Hewlett-Packard are reporting this week that they can overcome a fundamental barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization...

From ACM News

Step 1: Post Elusive Proof. Step 2: Watch Fireworks.

 The potential of Internet-based collaboration was vividly demonstrated this month when complexity theorists used blogs and wikis to pounce on a claimed proof for...

From ACM News

In a Video Game, Tackling the Complexities of Protein Folding

In a match that pitted video game players against the best known computer program designed for the task, the gamers outperformed the software in figuring out...

From ACM News

In a Video Game, Tackling the Complexities of Protein Folding

In a match that pitted video game players against the best known computer program designed for the task, the gamers outperformed the software in figuring out...

Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot
From ACM News

Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot

The boy, a dark-haired 6-year-old, is playing with a new companion. The two hit it off quickly—unusual for the 6-year-old, who has autism—and the boy is imitating...

From ACM News

Google and Vmware Wed at the App Engine

Google has formed an intriguing partnership with VMware, as the company looks to build out its online business software services for companies.

Companies Slowly Join Cloud-Computing
From ACM News

Companies Slowly Join Cloud-Computing

This year, Netflix made what looked like a peculiar choice: the DVD-by-mail company decided that over the next two years, it would move most of its Web technology...

From ACM News

H.p. Says New Device Could Revolutionize Computer Chips

Hewlett-Packard scientists on Thursday will report advances demonstrating significant progress in the design of a new class of diminutive switches capable of replacing...

From ACM News

After Patent on Genes Is Invalidated, Taking Stock

Many biotechnology stocks fell on Tuesday as investors struggled to understand the impact of a ruling that threw out parts of two gene patents and called into question...

For Chip Makers, the Next Battle Is in Smartphones
From ACM News

For Chip Makers, the Next Battle Is in Smartphones

The going rate for a state-of-the-art chip factory is about $3 billion. The plants typically take years to build. And the microscopic size of chip circuitry requires...

Turning Patents Into
From ACM News

Turning Patents Into

Nathan Myhrvold wants to shake up the marketplace for ideas. His mission and the activities of the company he heads, Intellectual Ventures, a secretive $5 billion...

Do-It-Yourself Genetic Engineering
From ACM News

Do-It-Yourself Genetic Engineering

It all started with a brawny, tattooed building contractor with a passion for exotic animals. He was taking biology classes at City College of San Francisco, a...

Google Set to Showcase Fast Internet
From ACM News

Google Set to Showcase Fast Internet

Google said Wednesday that it would offer ultrahigh-speed Internet access in some communities in a test that could showcase the kinds of things that would be possible...

From ACM News

­.s. Scientists Given Access to Cloud Computing

The National Science Foundation and the Microsoft Corporation have agreed to offer American scientific researchers free access to the company’s new cloud computing...

Smart Dust? Not Quite, but We
From ACM News

Smart Dust? Not Quite, but We

In computing, the vision always precedes the reality by a decade or more. The pattern has held true from the personal computer to the Internet, as it takes time...

The Web Way to Learn a Language
From ACM News

The Web Way to Learn a Language

The young woman seated next to us at the sushi bar exuded a vaguely exotic air; her looks and style, we thought, made it likely that she was not American born. ...

In Digital Combat, U.s. Finds No Easy Deterrent
From ACM News

In Digital Combat, U.s. Finds No Easy Deterrent

On a Monday morning earlier this month, top Pentagon leaders gathered to simulate how they would respond to a sophisticated cyberattack aimed at paralyzing the...

From ACM News

If Your Password Is 123456, Just Make It Hackme

Back at the dawn of the Web, the most popular account password was “12345.” Today, it’s one digit longer but hardly safer: “123456.” Despite all the reports...

From ACM News

Fearing Hackers Who Leave No Trace

The crown jewels of Google, Cisco Systems or any other technology company are the millions of lines of programming instructions, known as source code, that make...
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