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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What We've Learned About Pluto
From ACM News

What We've Learned About Pluto

In the year since NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew by Pluto, the dwarf planet has maintained its icy heart.

Europe Approves New Trans-Atlantic Data Transfer Deal
From ACM News

Europe Approves New Trans-Atlantic Data Transfer Deal

European officials approved a new agreement on Tuesday that will allow some of the world’s largest companies, including Google and General Electric, to move digital...

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature
From ACM TechNews

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature

The push by some automakers to make fully autonomous vehicles a commercial reality is being tempered by others arguing against elimination of human driver intervention...

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature
From ACM Careers

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature

Even before Tesla revealed that a fatal accident had occurred while one of its cars was in semiautonomous driving mode, a debate was well underway between researchers...

The Fully Self-Driving Car Is Still Years Away
From ACM TechNews

The Fully Self-Driving Car Is Still Years Away

The arrival of fully autonomous automobiles is complicated by the debate over how much self-supervision should be allowed.

China Tops List of Fastest Computers Again
From ACM TechNews

China Tops List of Fastest Computers Again

For the seventh straight time, China has dominated the Top500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers.

For Driverless Cars, City-Like Test Sites Offer the ­npredictable
From ACM TechNews

For Driverless Cars, City-Like Test Sites Offer the ­npredictable

Automakers are turning to city-like test sites as they race to create the perfect self-driving car. 

5 Things That Give Self-Driving Cars Headaches
From ACM News

5 Things That Give Self-Driving Cars Headaches

Fully automated cars don’t drink and drive, fall asleep at the wheel, text, talk on the phone or put on makeup while driving.

Artificial Intelligence Is Far From Matching Humans, Panel Says
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Far From Matching Humans, Panel Says

Never mind Terminator-like killer robots. Artificial intelligence researchers are grappling with more realistic questions like whether their creations will take...

Want to Buy a Self-Driving Car? Big-Rig Trucks May Come First
From ACM News

Want to Buy a Self-Driving Car? Big-Rig Trucks May Come First

Imagine you are driving on a highway late at night when a big-rig truck closes in behind you.

Scientists Hold Secret Meeting to Consider Creating a Synthetic Human Genome
From ACM News

Scientists Hold Secret Meeting to Consider Creating a Synthetic Human Genome

Scientists are now contemplating the creation of a synthetic human genome, meaning they would use chemicals to manufacture all the DNA contained in human chromosomes...

When Websites Won't Take No for an Answer
From ACM News

When Websites Won't Take No for an Answer

Harry Brignull, a user-experience consultant in Britain who helps websites and apps develop consumer-friendly features, has a professional bone to pick with sites...

Pentagon Turns to Silicon Valley For Edge in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Pentagon Turns to Silicon Valley For Edge in Artificial Intelligence

In its quest to maintain a United States military advantage, the Pentagon is aggressively turning to Silicon Valley’s hottest technology—artificial intelligence...

Moore's Law Running Out of Room, Tech Looks For a Successor
From ACM News

Moore's Law Running Out of Room, Tech Looks For a Successor

For decades, the computer industry has been guided by a faith that engineers would always find a way to make the components on computer chips smaller, faster and...

The Minecraft Generation
From ACM TechNews

The Minecraft Generation

The extremely popular Minecraft computer game is turning children into a generation of computing tinkerers and engineers.

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry
From ACM News

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry

Two international arms control groups on Monday issued a report that called for maintaining human control over a new generation of weapons that are increasingly...

Italians, Helped By an App, Translate the Talmud
From ACM TechNews

Italians, Helped By an App, Translate the Talmud

The first Italian translation of the Babylonian Talmud has been completed after five years of work by scholars, linguists, philologists, editors, and computer scientists...

Website Seeks to Make Government Data Easier to Sift Through
From ACM TechNews

Website Seeks to Make Government Data Easier to Sift Through

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab on April 4 announced Data USA, designed to make it easier to sift through vast troves of government information...

China's Companies Poised to Take Leap in Developing a Driverless Car
From ACM TechNews

China's Companies Poised to Take Leap in Developing a Driverless Car

China could emerge as the premier country for the development and adoption of self-driving vehicles. 

­.s. Textile Industry Turns to Tech as Gateway to Revival
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Textile Industry Turns to Tech as Gateway to Revival

A $320-million project aims to bring the textile sector into the digital era by embedding sensors and semiconductors into fabrics. 
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