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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why the ­.s. Has Fallen Behind in Internet Speed and Affordability
From ACM News

Why the ­.s. Has Fallen Behind in Internet Speed and Affordability

A comparison of Internet access in American cities with access in Europe and Asia found some smaller American cities tied for speed with the biggest cities abroad...

Directing Planes, By Remote Control
From ACM News

Directing Planes, By Remote Control

On a clear day, Per Granquist cannot see forever. But from his perch inside the airport control tower here, he does have an unobstructed view of the future.

­sing Cash and Pressure, China Builds Its Chip Industry
From ACM TechNews

­sing Cash and Pressure, China Builds Its Chip Industry

China wants to transform its chip industry into a world leader by 2030 and become less reliant on foreign-sourced technology. 

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola
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Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola

Robotics scientists nationwide are pondering an intriguing possibility: Might robotic technologies deployed in rescue and disaster situations be quickly repurposed...

Technology Takes the Wheel
From ACM News

Technology Takes the Wheel

Google's driverless car may still be a work in progress, but the potential for semiautonomous vehicles on American roads is no longer the stuff of science fiction...

Companies Rush to Fix Shellshock Software Bug as Hackers Launch Thousands of Attacks
From ACM TechNews

Companies Rush to Fix Shellshock Software Bug as Hackers Launch Thousands of Attacks

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security last week warned about the newly discovered Shellshock bug affecting a widely used Bash Unix shell. 

Oculus Brings the Virtual Closer to Reality
From ACM News

Oculus Brings the Virtual Closer to Reality

Virtual reality is virtually here—although its first incarnation will come with short battery life, images that do not quite track eye movements and a tendency...

Airlines Take the Bump Out of Turbulence
From ACM News

Airlines Take the Bump Out of Turbulence

Just a few years ago, airlines got their weather reports by telex.

Drone Developers Consider Obstacles That Cannot Be Flown Around
From ACM TechNews

Drone Developers Consider Obstacles That Cannot Be Flown Around

Drone makers are eager for a new age of drone ubiquity, but several issues remain to be resolved. 

Brainy, Yes, but Far From Handy
From ACM TechNews

Brainy, Yes, but Far From Handy

Robots can outperform humans in areas such as strength and precision, but humans still are ahead of robots in the use of the senses, especially that of touch. 

Brainy, Yes, but Far From Handy
From ACM News

Brainy, Yes, but Far From Handy

In factories and warehouses, robots routinely outdo humans in strength and precision.

New Era in Safety When Cars Talk to One Another
From ACM News

New Era in Safety When Cars Talk to One Another

A driver moves along in traffic, the forward view blocked by a truck or a bend in the road. Suddenly, up ahead, someone slams on the brake. Tires screech.

Computer Eyesight Gets a Lot More Accurate
From ACM TechNews

Computer Eyesight Gets a Lot More Accurate

For the second time in its four-year history, the Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge saw dramatic improvements in the quality of machine-vision technology...

Rosetta Spacecraft Set For ­nprecedented Close Study of a Comet
From ACM News

Rosetta Spacecraft Set For ­nprecedented Close Study of a Comet

After 10 years and four billion miles, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft will arrive at its destination on Wednesday for the first extended, close...

Security Secrets, Dated but Real
From ACM Opinion

Security Secrets, Dated but Real

Was the National Cryptologic Museum designed using a code of some kind?

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell
From ACM Opinion

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell

Genevieve Bell grew up among Aboriginal people in Australia, taught anthropology at Stanford and for the past 16 years has worked for Intel.

More Eyes on the Skies
From ACM News

More Eyes on the Skies

The future, it is often said, belongs to those who plan for it.

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching
From ACM News

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching

The seemingly endless prairie that blankets this part of the United States would seem to be an unlikely place for one of the largest makers of sports video displays...

Real-Life Illness in a Virtual World
From ACM News

Real-Life Illness in a Virtual World

A 3-D animated creature, affectionately named Gerald, appears to walk in circles while floating in front of an elaborate viewer that resembles something from an...

Intel, Qualcomm and Others Compete For 'internet of Things' Standard
From ACM News

Intel, Qualcomm and Others Compete For 'internet of Things' Standard

If the stakes are big enough, companies will compete even for something that is supposed to be free to all comers.
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