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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Facebook Officials Keep Quiet on Its Role in Revolts
From ACM News

Facebook Officials Keep Quiet on Its Role in Revolts

With Facebook playing a starring role in the revolts that toppled governments in Tunisia and Egypt, you might think the company’s top executives would use this...

On 'jeopardy,' Watson's a Natural
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On 'jeopardy,' Watson's a Natural

In the end, the humans on "Jeopardy!" surrendered meekly.

From ACM News

Mature Mobile Industry Moves to Keep Customers It Has

In the pioneer days of the mobile phone industry, wireless carriers raced to put phones in the hands of the unconnected masses. With cellphones now ubiquitous...

Progress in Artificial Intelligence Brings Wonders and Fears
From ACM News

Progress in Artificial Intelligence Brings Wonders and Fears

At the dawn of the modern computer era, two Pentagon-financed laboratories bracketed Stanford University. At one laboratory, a small group of scientists and engineers...

The Dirty Little Secrets of Search
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The Dirty Little Secrets of Search

Pretend for a moment that you are Google’s search engine. Someone types the word “dresses” and hits enter. What will be the very first result?

From ACM News


The last time NASA visited the Tempel 1 comet, it was with fireworks, on July 4, 2005. On that day, the Deep Impact spacecraft slammed an 820-pound projectile...

Innovation Far Removed From the Lab
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Innovation Far Removed From the Lab

Daniel Reetz loves trash bins. A big one in Fargo, N.D., was where he found most of the materials he used to build a scanner that was fast enough to scan a 400...

From ACM Opinion

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

In the category "What Do You Know?," for $1 million: This four-year-old upstart the size of a small R.V. has digested 200 million pages of data about everything...

From ACM News

Wary of Egypt ­nrest, China Censors Web

In another era, China’s leaders might have been content to let discussion of the protests in Egypt float around among private citizens, then fizzle out.

From ACM News

Intel Spreads Its ­niversity Research Bets

Computing in general is increasingly applying the old engineering dictum, divide and conquer. Look at the engines behind cloud computing—vast, distributed armies...

Dealing With Assange and the Secrets He Spilled
From ACM News

Dealing With Assange and the Secrets He Spilled

This past June, Alan Rusbridger, the editor of The Guardian, phoned me and asked, mysteriously, whether I had any idea how to arrange a secure communication....

Bending and Stretching Classroom Lessons to Make Math Inspire
From ACM News

Bending and Stretching Classroom Lessons to Make Math Inspire

At the aptly named Tiny Thai restaurant here, a small table, about two and a half feet square, was jammed with a teapot, two plates of curry, a bowl of soup,...

In New Military, Data Overload Can Be Deadly
From ACM News

In New Military, Data Overload Can Be Deadly

When military investigators looked into an attack by American helicopters last February that left 23 Afghan civilians dead, they found that the operator of a ...

Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay
From ACM News

Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay

The Dimona complex in the Negev desert is famous as the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear arms program, where neat rows of factories...

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The New Speed of Money, Reshaping Markets

A substantial part of all stock trading in the United States takes place in a warehouse in a nondescript business park just off the New Jersey Turnpike.

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Graphics Ability Is the New Goal For Chip Makers

In the good old days, it was all about speed.

Perfecting Animation, via Science
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Perfecting Animation, via Science

Eitan Grinspun, the director of Columbia University’s Computer Graphics Group, doesn't quite qualify as hairdresser to the stars.

Cheaters Find an Adversary in Technology
From ACM News

Cheaters Find an Adversary in Technology

Mississippi had a problem born of the age of soaring student testing and digital technology. High school students taking the state’s end-of-year exams were using...

Gadgets Bring New Opportunities For Hackers
From ACM News

Gadgets Bring New Opportunities For Hackers

Researchers at Mocana, a security technology company in San Francisco, recently discovered they could hack into a best-selling Internet-ready HDTV model with...

What's Around the Bend? Soon, a Camera May Show You
From ACM News

What's Around the Bend? Soon, a Camera May Show You

Anyone who has witnessed the megapixel one-upmanship in camera ads might think that computer chips run the show in digital photography.
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