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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Text File that Runs the Internet
From ACM News

The Text File that Runs the Internet

For decades, robots.txt governed the behavior of Web crawlers. But as unscrupulous AI companies seek out more and more data, the basic social contract of the Web...

Winning the War on Ransomware
From ACM News

Winning the War on Ransomware

The DoJ's task force is changing the landscape around hackers, but will it be enough?

Computer Virus Has Thrown Philadelphia's Court System Into Chaos
From ACM TechNews

Computer Virus Has Thrown Philadelphia's Court System Into Chaos

A computer virus has crippled Philadelphia's online court system for more than three weeks, raising issues about how cities can respond when essential services...

Wi-Fi Security Is Starting to Get its Biggest ­pgrade in Over a Decade
From ACM TechNews

Wi-Fi Security Is Starting to Get its Biggest ­pgrade in Over a Decade

The Wi-Fi Alliance has begun certifying products that support WPA3, a major security advance over the WPA2 protocol that has been in use since 2004.

The Ftc Has Sued D-Link Over ­nsecure Routers and Webcams
From ACM News

The Ftc Has Sued D-Link Over ­nsecure Routers and Webcams

Part of an ongoing effort to secure the Internet of Things.

Wireless Alerts Sound For Nyc Bombing Suspect
From ACM News

Wireless Alerts Sound For Nyc Bombing Suspect

New Yorkers' morning commute was interrupted this morning by a chorus of emergency alerts, part of a manhunt for bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami.

China's New Satellite Would Create the World's Largest Quantum Network
From ACM News

China's New Satellite Would Create the World's Largest Quantum Network

China's quantum network could soon span two continents, thanks to a satellite launched earlier today. Launched at 1:40PM ET, the Quantum Science Satellite is designed...

Engineers of Addiction
From ACM News

Engineers of Addiction

You can play a slot machine in Las Vegas before you've even reached baggage claim: there are tiny slots parlors in every terminal of McCarran International Airport...

How Google Scans Your Gmail For Child Porn
From ACM News

How Google Scans Your Gmail For Child Porn

John Henry Skillern was arrested last Thursday for the possession of child pornography.

The Plot to Kill the Password
From ACM News

The Plot to Kill the Password

Last Friday, Samsung's new Galaxy S5 arrived with an unexpected and underhyped feature.

Pirate Bay Unveils Ambitious New Software Scheme to Foil Anti-Piracy Measures
From ACM TechNews

Pirate Bay Unveils Ambitious New Software Scheme to Foil Anti-Piracy Measures

The Pirate Bay is developing a tool designed to thwart copyright enforcers. 

Barons of Bitcoin: The Tokyo-Based Powerhouse that Controls the World's Virtual Money
From ACM News

Barons of Bitcoin: The Tokyo-Based Powerhouse that Controls the World's Virtual Money

The virtual currency Bitcoin isn't backed by any assets or central authority.

How Vegas Casinos Wage War on Cheating
From ACM News

How Vegas Casinos Wage War on Cheating

"I think most people feel that if you can find a way to beat the casino, more power to you," says Arnold Synder, his eyes, those telltale features, hidden behind...
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