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authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Future of Medicine Is Now
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Medicine Is Now

In our era of instant gratification, the world of medicine seems like an outlier.

Microsoft Retools in Fight Against China Pirates
From ACM News

Microsoft Retools in Fight Against China Pirates

For pirates in China, where illegal software sales greatly outmatch legal ones, a new version of Windows typically means a new treasure ship to plunder.

More Radar, Less Radio for Safer Takeoffs And Landings
From ACM News

More Radar, Less Radio for Safer Takeoffs And Landings

US Airways Flight 27 was roaring down Runway 15R at Boston's Logan Airport when a pickup truck suddenly pulled into its path.

They Know What You're Shopping For
From ACM News

They Know What You're Shopping For

Georgia resident Andy Morar is in the market for a BMW.

Heart Gadgets Test Privacy-Law Limits
From ACM News

Heart Gadgets Test Privacy-Law Limits

The small box inside Amanda Hubbard's chest beams all kinds of data about her faulty heart to the company that makes her defibrillator implant.

The ­ps and Downs of Making Elevators Go
From ACM Careers

The ­ps and Downs of Making Elevators Go

You press a button and wait for your elevator. How long before you get impatient and agitated? Theresa Christy says 20 seconds.

A Spy-Gear Arms Race Transforms Modern Divorce
From ACM News

A Spy-Gear Arms Race Transforms Modern Divorce

Danny Lee Hormann suspected his wife was having an affair.

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm
From ACM Careers

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm

A Des Moines television station has turned off the lights on the city's Weather Beacon, igniting a tempest among residents who were raised to look downtown for...

New Tracking Frontier: Your License Plates
From ACM News

New Tracking Frontier: Your License Plates

For more than two years, the police in San Leandro, Calif., photographed Mike Katz-Lacabe's Toyota Tercel almost weekly.

Mobile Ads: Here's What Works and What Doesn't
From ACM News

Mobile Ads: Here's What Works and What Doesn't

In 2010, Apple Inc. AAPL co-founder Steve Jobs proclaimed, "Mobile advertising really sucks." Now, however, the rule book for what works in mobile advertising is...

Who's Behind the Wheel? Nobody.
From ACM Opinion

Who's Behind the Wheel? Nobody.

The Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca is a 2.2-mile asphalt roller coaster plunging and soaring across California's tawny Monterey highlands.

'Junk DNA' Debunked
From ACM News

'Junk DNA' Debunked

The deepest look into the human genome so far shows it to be a richer, messier and more intriguing place than was believed just a decade ago, scientists said Wednesday...

The Joys of ­rban Tech
From ACM Careers

The Joys of ­rban Tech

For as long as many of us can remember, high-tech industries have flourished in the suburban office parks that are so ubiquitous in Silicon Valley, North Carolina's...

A Peace Corps For Civic-Minded Geeks
From ACM TechNews

A Peace Corps For Civic-Minded Geeks

The nonprofit Code for America, a kind of Peace Corps for geeks, has led the way in bringing online efficiency to offline government systems, picking a team of...

Smartphones Challenge Chip Limits
From ACM News

Smartphones Challenge Chip Limits

Smartphones and other devices keep getting smarter, but that may change if a key step in manufacturing computer chips isn't updated soon.

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?

Two years ago, hackers gained access to an online voting system created by the District of Columbia and altered every ballot on behalf of their own preferred candidates...

Future of Data: Encoded in Dna
From ACM News

Future of Data: Encoded in Dna

In the latest effort to contend with exploding quantities of digital data, researchers encoded an entire book into the genetic molecules of DNA, the basic building...

My Life as a Telecommuting Robot
From ACM News

My Life as a Telecommuting Robot

I was strolling down the hall to a meeting on a Wednesday afternoon when I suddenly blacked out, coming to a halt.

Samsung Case Is a Proxy For Google
From ACM News

Samsung Case Is a Proxy For Google

When Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. face off in a high-stakes patent trial Monday, there will be another elephant in the room: Google Inc.

Can Data Mining Stop the Killing?
From ACM Opinion

Can Data Mining Stop the Killing?

Would Total Information Awareness have stopped James Eagan Holmes?
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