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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Coming 'Vaccine Passports' Aim for Simplicity
From ACM TechNews

Coming 'Vaccine Passports' Aim for Simplicity

Developers of the first digital "vaccine passports" for post-pandemic travel said the applications are designed for ease of use.

License-Plate Scans Aid Crime-Solving But Spur Little Privacy Debate
From ACM TechNews

License-Plate Scans Aid Crime-Solving But Spur Little Privacy Debate

Law enforcement agencies increasingly are using data gathered by the vast network of automated license-plate scanners to solve crimes.

Trading Chicken Parts is Going Digital
From ACM TechNews

Trading Chicken Parts is Going Digital

Ashley Honey at New Zealand-based Nui hopes to use his company's electronic trading platforms to automate trading of meat and poultry products.

Facebook Researchers Report Advance in Computer Vision
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Researchers Report Advance in Computer Vision

A software toolkit developed by Facebook's artificial intelligence research arm could enable companies to create computer vision software more quickly.

CVS, Walgreens Look for Big Data Reward From Covid-19 Vaccinations
From ACM TechNews

CVS, Walgreens Look for Big Data Reward From Covid-19 Vaccinations

Pharmacy chains including CVS Health, Walmart, and Walgreens-Boots Alliance are collecting data from customers as they sign up for coronavirus vaccinations.

A Letter Sealed for Centuries Has Been Read--Without Even Opening It
From ACM TechNews

A Letter Sealed for Centuries Has Been Read--Without Even Opening It

An international team of researchers used computer algorithms and x-ray scanning to read a tightly folded letter sealed since 1697, without actually opening it....

SolarWinds Hack Pits Microsoft Against Dell, IBM Over How Companies Store Data
From ACM TechNews

SolarWinds Hack Pits Microsoft Against Dell, IBM Over How Companies Store Data

Major technology companies are debating the safest data storage measures for customers following the SolarWinds hack.

Forget Self-Driving Cars – the Pentagon Wants Autonomous Ships, Choppers, and Jets
From ACM News

Forget Self-Driving Cars – the Pentagon Wants Autonomous Ships, Choppers, and Jets

From pilotless jets engaging in dogfights to huge undersea vessels ferrying troops, the Pentagon is pushing to increase the U.S. military's use of automation.

Suspected Russian Hack Extends Far Beyond SolarWinds Software, Investigators Say
From ACM TechNews

Suspected Russian Hack Extends Far Beyond SolarWinds Software, Investigators Say

Federal investigators say there is evidence the suspected Russian hack of U.S. government and businesses went beyond compromising SolarWinds' software.

No Quick Fix for Auto Chip Shortage
From ACM News

No Quick Fix for Auto Chip Shortage

Over-reliance on TSMC and soaring cost of old gear limits capacity expansion.

Data Drought Slows Advance of AI in Cybersecurity
From ACM News

Data Drought Slows Advance of AI in Cybersecurity

It's early days, but both government and business want to solidify their cyberwalls with artificial intelligence. Yet training AI models requires reams of just...

From Lightbulbs to 5G, China Battles West for Control of Vital Technology Standards
From ACM TechNews

From Lightbulbs to 5G, China Battles West for Control of Vital Technology Standards

China is channeling state funding and political influence to wrest control of technical standards for cutting-edge technologies from the West.

Ford to Use Google's Android System in Most Cars
From ACM TechNews

Ford to Use Google's Android System in Most Cars

Ford Motor announced a six-year agreement to use Google's Android operating system to power in-vehicle multimedia displays beginning in 2023.

Google Pursues Plan to Remove Third-Party Cookies
From ACM TechNews

Google Pursues Plan to Remove Third-Party Cookies

Google is moving ahead with a plan to strip third-party cookies from its Chrome Web browser and replace them with privacy-friendly alternatives.

Quantum Computing Scientists Call for Ethical Guidelines
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing Scientists Call for Ethical Guidelines

Six quantum computing experts are raising ethical issues about the technology's potential to create new weapons and ramp up human genetic manipulation.

Battle of the Robots Still Favors Japan, Europe--For Now
From ACM TechNews

Battle of the Robots Still Favors Japan, Europe--For Now

China continues to be the biggest market for industrial robots, even though the market’s growth had been slowing prior to the pandemic, due to the U.S.-China trade...

On the 100th Anniversary of 'Robot,' They're Finally Taking Over
From ACM TechNews

On the 100th Anniversary of 'Robot,' They're Finally Taking Over

Robot technology in many ways hassurpassed the vision presented in Karel Capek's play "R.U.R." ("Rossum's Universal Robots"), which introduced the word "robot"...

Are Videogames the Future of Remote Work?
From ACM TechNews

Are Videogames the Future of Remote Work?

The startup Gather offers a videogame-like format for remote work, supporting virtual two-dimensional workspaces for enterprise clients. \

Your Next Car May Let You Drive Hands-Free. Is That a Good Thing?
From ACM TechNews

Your Next Car May Let You Drive Hands-Free. Is That a Good Thing?

More automakers are installing automated steering and speed control in more vehicles, using sensors, radar, and cameras to keep the car centered, control speed,...

Tiny Satellites Will Connect Cows, Cars, Shipping Containers to the Internet
From ACM TechNews

Tiny Satellites Will Connect Cows, Cars, Shipping Containers to the Internet

Scientists are tapping tiny satellites developed by startups for research.
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