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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Aims for Commercial-Grade Quantum Computer by 2029
From ACM TechNews

Google Aims for Commercial-Grade Quantum Computer by 2029

Google intends to invest billions of dollars to build a commercial-grade quantum computer that can perform large-scale, error-free calculations by 2029.

Walmart Is Pulling Plug on More Robots
From ACM News

Walmart Is Pulling Plug on More Robots

The retailer has been phasing out automated pickup towers as curbside services have become popular.

U.S. Covid-19 Supercomputing Group Evaluates Year-Long Effort
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Covid-19 Supercomputing Group Evaluates Year-Long Effort

The Covid-19 High-Performance Computing Consortium gave researchers free access to the world's most powerful computers over the past year.

Vaccination Megasites Lean on Enterprise Tech to Keep the Line Moving
From ACM TechNews

Vaccination Megasites Lean on Enterprise Tech to Keep the Line Moving

Popup Covid-19 vaccination megasites are using digital enterprise technology to accommodate surging numbers of inoculations as more Americans qualify to be immunized...

Trading Chicken Parts is Going Digital
From ACM TechNews

Trading Chicken Parts is Going Digital

Ashley Honey at New Zealand-based Nui hopes to use his company's electronic trading platforms to automate trading of meat and poultry products.

Forget Self-Driving Cars – the Pentagon Wants Autonomous Ships, Choppers, and Jets
From ACM News

Forget Self-Driving Cars – the Pentagon Wants Autonomous Ships, Choppers, and Jets

From pilotless jets engaging in dogfights to huge undersea vessels ferrying troops, the Pentagon is pushing to increase the U.S. military's use of automation.

Battle of the Robots Still Favors Japan, Europe--For Now
From ACM TechNews

Battle of the Robots Still Favors Japan, Europe--For Now

China continues to be the biggest market for industrial robots, even though the market’s growth had been slowing prior to the pandemic, due to the U.S.-China trade...

Facebook Hit With Antitrust Lawsuits by FTC, State Attorneys General
From ACM News

Facebook Hit With Antitrust Lawsuits by FTC, State Attorneys General

Claims target social-media giant's past acquisitions, tactics against competitors.

In Battle Against Hackers, Companies Try to Deceive the Deceivers
From ACM TechNews

In Battle Against Hackers, Companies Try to Deceive the Deceivers

Companies are attempting to trap hackers by enticing them with deception technology.

Climate Researchers Enlist Big Cloud Providers for Big Data Challenges
From ACM TechNews

Climate Researchers Enlist Big Cloud Providers for Big Data Challenges

Climate science researchers increasingly are turning to the cloud for its ability to manage large amounts of data using machine-learning algorithms.

'Sneakernet' Helps Election Officials Process Results
From ACM TechNews

'Sneakernet' Helps Election Officials Process Results

U.S. election officials used voting machines and other devices linked to the "sneakernet" to process results from Tuesday's elections.

Remote Work Not Just for White-Collar Jobs Anymore
From ACM TechNews

Remote Work Not Just for White-Collar Jobs Anymore

Technology that allows people to perform physical work remotely is proliferating across a host of occupations.

Microsoft Teams With Elon Musk’s SpaceX to Push Cloud Battle With Amazon Into Orbit
From ACM News

Microsoft Teams With Elon Musk’s SpaceX to Push Cloud Battle With Amazon Into Orbit

The space-cloud initiative is targeting military and commercial customers and comes after Amazon announced its own space effort,

Visa, JPMorgan Already Preparing for Potential Quantum Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Visa, JPMorgan Already Preparing for Potential Quantum Cyberattacks

Researchers at Visa Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are developing new processes to try to thwart eventual quantum computing cyberattacks.

U.S. Moves to Protect Technologies Considered Critical to National Security
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Moves to Protect Technologies Considered Critical to National Security

The U.S. National Security Council on Thursday issued guidelines to protect technologies crucial to national security.

Tax Agency Watchdog Is Investigating IRS Use of Cellphone Location Data
From ACM TechNews

Tax Agency Watchdog Is Investigating IRS Use of Cellphone Location Data

U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russel George said he will review Internal Revenue Service use of software that enables warrantless surveillance...

AI Could Help Find Cheaper, Smarter Ways to Raise Fish
From ACM TechNews

AI Could Help Find Cheaper, Smarter Ways to Raise Fish

Artificial intelligence researchers at Norwegian telecommunications carrier Telenor's Norwegian Open AI Lab are testing AI models to reduce costs and increase efficiency...

China Launches Initiative to Set Global Data Security Rules
From ACM TechNews

China Launches Initiative to Set Global Data Security Rules

China this week launched the Global Initiative on Data Security, in a bid to establish international data-security standards.

Robot Trucks Seek Inroads Into Freight Business
From ACM TechNews

Robot Trucks Seek Inroads Into Freight Business

Startups are developing prototype autonomous trucks to haul freight while reducing transportation costs and expediting deliveries.

Microsoft, Energy Dept. to Develop Disaster-Response AI Tools
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft, Energy Dept. to Develop Disaster-Response AI Tools

The U.S. Department of Energy and Microsoft are partnering to develop artificial intelligence tools to improve first-responders' capabilities with regard to natural...
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