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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Longest Yard in Football
From ACM TechNews

The Longest Yard in Football

The National Football League is starting to use tracking technology that can distinguish exact distances and measure the value of a single inch, which could dramatically...

European Cloud Project Draws Backlash From U.S. Tech Giants
From ACM TechNews

European Cloud Project Draws Backlash From U.S. Tech Giants

Germany and France are launching a government-backed project to develop European cloud infrastructure, to help local providers compete with U.S. technology companies...

Walmart, Mattel Lease 'Floors' in a Virtual Toy Store
From ACM TechNews

Walmart, Mattel Lease 'Floors' in a Virtual Toy Store

Toy company Mattel and retailer Walmart are "leasing floors" in a virtual store.

Google Draws House Antitrust Scrutiny of Internet Protocol
From ACM TechNews

Google Draws House Antitrust Scrutiny of Internet Protocol

Congressional antitrust investigators are vetting Google's plans to use a new Internet protocol out of worry it could limit competitors' access to consumer data...

The Next Hot Job: Pretending to Be a Robot
From ACM TechNews

The Next Hot Job: Pretending to Be a Robot

Many robotic systems are not fully autonomous and require, at the very least, humans monitoring them from afar.

Waiting-Room Anxiety Eased With Apps That Give Updates
From ACM TechNews

Waiting-Room Anxiety Eased With Apps That Give Updates

Startups and large healthcare organizations are developing tools designed to give parents frequent updates on what is happening to their children during surgeries...

Switzerland Strives to Be Global Leader in Opening Skies for Drones
From ACM TechNews

Switzerland Strives to Be Global Leader in Opening Skies for Drones

The Swiss government is working to develop a system to handle ever-increasing aerial drone traffic, with the goal of allowing such unmanned aircraft to operate...

­.S. Postal Service Testing Self-Driving Trucks
From ACM TechNews

­.S. Postal Service Testing Self-Driving Trucks

The U.S. Postal Service is conducting a pilot study in which self-driving trucks will complete a more-than-1,000-mile mail run between Phoenix and Dallas.

Rattled by Cyberattacks, Hospitals Push Device Makers to Improve Security
From ACM TechNews

Rattled by Cyberattacks, Hospitals Push Device Makers to Improve Security

With cyberattacks against Internet-connected medical devices on the rise, hospitals and health systems in the U.S. are pressuring device manufacturers to bolster...

Amazon Accused of Violating Kids' Privacy With Smart Speakers
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Accused of Violating Kids' Privacy With Smart Speakers

Privacy and child-advocacy organizations have filed a complaint alleging Amazon has been illegally recording and retaining conversations of children using its Echo...

Big Brother at the Mall
From ACM TechNews

Big Brother at the Mall

The U.S. Congress is investigating the use of advanced technology to track consumers around brick-and-mortar retailers.

The Risks of Marrying 'Smart' Technology With 'Dumb' Machines
From ACM TechNews

The Risks of Marrying 'Smart' Technology With 'Dumb' Machines

Before the Internet of Things becomes a pervasive reality, technology experts and public safety professionals are airing their concerns about cyber-physical security...

You Give Apps Sensitive Personal Information. Then They Tell Facebook
From ACM TechNews

You Give Apps Sensitive Personal Information. Then They Tell Facebook

Facebook collects sensitive data from at least 11 popular smartphone apps seconds after users enter it.

FAA Proposes More Commercial Drone Operations at Night and Over People
From ACM TechNews

FAA Proposes More Commercial Drone Operations at Night and Over People

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has released preliminary rules to allow small drones to fly routinely over crowds of people at night.

In Fast-Aging Japan, Elder Care Is a High-Tech Pursuit
From ACM TechNews

In Fast-Aging Japan, Elder Care Is a High-Tech Pursuit

Startups are putting new innovations to work in Japan's elder-care market.

The Making of a Computer-Generated Influencer
From ACM TechNews

The Making of a Computer-Generated Influencer

Miquela Sousa is a computer-generated character developed as a social media personality that can evolve with the times without aging.

Voting Machine ­sed in Half of ­.S. Is Vulnerable to Attack, Report Finds
From ACM TechNews

Voting Machine ­sed in Half of ­.S. Is Vulnerable to Attack, Report Finds

Election machines used in more than half of U.S. states contain a decade-old flaw that makes them vulnerable to a cyberattack.

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut
From ACM News

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut

Six decades after the U-2 flew its first mission, the military is trying to harness artificial-intelligence technology to enhance the venerable spy plane's combat...

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other
From ACM News

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other

Wikipedia editors got locked in a dispute several months ago about the biographical summary boxes that sit atop some pages of the online encyclopedia. The tiff...

Who Has More of Your Personal Data Than Facebook? Try Google
From ACM Opinion

Who Has More of Your Personal Data Than Facebook? Try Google

Recent controversy over Facebook Inc.'s hunger for personal data has surfaced the notion that the online advertising industry could be hazardous to our privacy...
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