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authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Heartbleed Bug's 'voluntary' Origins
From ACM News

Heartbleed Bug's 'voluntary' Origins

The encryption flaw that punctured the heart of the Internet this week underscores a weakness in Internet security: A good chunk of it is managed by four European...

A 'crisis' in Online Ads: One-Third of Traffic Is Bogus
From ACM News

A 'crisis' in Online Ads: One-Third of Traffic Is Bogus

Billions of dollars are flowing into online advertising. But marketers also are confronting an uncomfortable reality: rampant fraud.

The Future of Brain Implants
From ACM News

The Future of Brain Implants

What would you give for a retinal chip that let you see in the dark or for a next-generation cochlear implant that let you hear any conversation in a noisy restaurant...

Missing Malaysia Jet Adds Fuel to 'live Black Box' Debate
From ACM News

Missing Malaysia Jet Adds Fuel to 'live Black Box' Debate

Regardless of what caused a Malaysia Airlines jet to disappear from the sky over the weekend, air-safety experts predict it will reignite debate over new technology...

The Job After Steve Jobs: Tim Cook and Apple
From ACM Opinion

The Job After Steve Jobs: Tim Cook and Apple

Shortly after Tim Cook succeeded Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple in August 2011, he told a confidant that he got up every morning reminding himself just to do the right...

Mt. Gox Disappears From Web in New Setback
From ACM News

Mt. Gox Disappears From Web in New Setback

Bitcoin suffered a major setback Tuesday as the website of Mt.Gox, the once dominant trading platform for the virtual currency, was all but shut down.

Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?
From ACM News

Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?

The adage "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning" is destined for a futuristic makeover.

Attempting to Code the Human Brain
From ACM News

Attempting to Code the Human Brain

Somewhere, in a glass building several miles outside of San Francisco, a computer is imagining what a cow looks like.

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In
From ACM Opinion

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In

In Spike Jonze's Oscar-nominated, futuristic film 'Her,' computers compose music, carry on seamless conversations with humans, organize emails instantaneously,...

How You Might Be Tracked For Ads in a Post-Cookie World
From ACM News

How You Might Be Tracked For Ads in a Post-Cookie World

The Web cookie may be dying, but that doesn’t mean it is the end of consumers being tracked online.

Amazon Wants to Ship Your Package Before You Buy It
From ACM News

Amazon Wants to Ship Your Package Before You Buy It knows you so well it wants to ship your next package before you order it.

What Secrets Your Phone Is Sharing About You
From ACM News

What Secrets Your Phone Is Sharing About You

Fan Zhang, the owner of Happy Child, a trendy Asian restaurant in downtown Toronto, knows that 170 of his customers went clubbing in November.

Inside the Effort to Kill a Web Fraud 'botnet'
From ACM News

Inside the Effort to Kill a Web Fraud 'botnet'

For months, investigators at Microsoft Corp. hunkered down in front of their computer monitors, patiently stalking the shadowy figures behind what the company says...

Inside a Twitter Robot Factory
From ACM News

Inside a Twitter Robot Factory

One day last month, Jim Vidmar bought 1,000 fake Twitter accounts for $58 from an online vendor in Pakistan.

Body Sensors Measure Impact of Blasts on Soldiers
From ACM News

Body Sensors Measure Impact of Blasts on Soldiers

Along with the heavy body armor and weapons they carry in the field, U.S. troops may soon be wearing another piece of equipment: a lightweight canvas pouch with...

Wearable Gadgets Transform How Companies Do Business
From ACM News

Wearable Gadgets Transform How Companies Do Business

Big companies are putting wearables to work.

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking
From ACM News

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking

The end could be near for cookies, the tiny pieces of code that marketers deploy on Web browsers to track people's online movements, serve targeted advertising,...

Memo to Workers: The Boss Is Watching
From ACM News

Memo to Workers: The Boss Is Watching

Dennis Gray suspected that workers in his pest-control company were spending too much time on personal issues during the workday.

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security
From ACM Opinion

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security

As the world's second-largest supplier of telecommunications network equipment, Huawei plays a part in the technology industry's efforts to ensure network security...

In Digital Era, What Does 'watching Tv' Even Mean?
From ACM Careers

In Digital Era, What Does 'watching Tv' Even Mean?

We spend a full five hours and 16 minutes a day in front of a screen, and that's without even turning on a television.
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