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authorThe Washington Post

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'smart Pills' with Chips, Cameras, and Robotic Parts Raise Legal, Ethical Questions
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'smart Pills' with Chips, Cameras, and Robotic Parts Raise Legal, Ethical Questions

Each morning around 6, Mary Ellen Snodgrass swallows a computer chip.

When Driverless Cars Crash, Who's to Blame?
From ACM News

When Driverless Cars Crash, Who's to Blame?

Self-driving cars have an undeniable allure: Think of all the fun things you could do if you didn't have to keep your eyes on the road!

The Military Thinks Bitcoin Could Pose a Threat to National Security
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The Military Thinks Bitcoin Could Pose a Threat to National Security

Does Bitcoin risk endangering the nation's safety? The Pentagon thinks it might.

Low-Level Federal Judges Balking at Law Enforcement Requests For Electronic Evidence
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Low-Level Federal Judges Balking at Law Enforcement Requests For Electronic Evidence

Judges at the lowest levels of the federal judiciary are balking at sweeping requests by law enforcement officials for cellphone and other sensitive personal data...

Google, Once Disdainful of Lobbying, Now a Master of Washington Influence
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Google, Once Disdainful of Lobbying, Now a Master of Washington Influence

In May 2012, the law school at George Mason University hosted a forum billed as a "vibrant discussion" about Internet search competition.

U.S. Rallied 120 Nations in Response to 2012 Cyberattack on American Banks
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Rallied 120 Nations in Response to 2012 Cyberattack on American Banks

In 2012, the Obama administration appealed to 120 nations to help block a wide-ranging cyberattack campaign against U.S. banks 

Tor ­sage in Turkey Surges During Twitter Ban
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Tor ­sage in Turkey Surges During Twitter Ban

Since Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan implemented a ban on Twitter late last week, Tor usage in the country has surged—with connections nearly doubling...

Federal Agencies Embrace New Technology and Strategies to Find the Enemy Within
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Federal Agencies Embrace New Technology and Strategies to Find the Enemy Within

After years of focusing on outside threats, the federal government and its contractors are turning inward, aiming a range of new technologies and counterintelligence...

Hackers Allegedly Stole $400 Million in Bitcoins. Here's How to Catch Them.
From ACM Opinion

Hackers Allegedly Stole $400 Million in Bitcoins. Here's How to Catch Them.

On Friday, what had been the world's leading Bitcoin exchange declared bankrutpcy, claiming that hackers had exploited a technical issue called "transaction malleability...

Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack
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Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack

It's been a long time coming, and some experts say it isn't enough.

New Surveillance Technology Can Track Everyone in an Area for Several Hours at a Time
From ACM News

New Surveillance Technology Can Track Everyone in an Area for Several Hours at a Time

Shooter and victim were just a pair of pixels, dark specks on a gray streetscape. 

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?
From ACM News

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?

Microsoft researchers have enabled elevators in a company building to detect the likelihood that a person walking by will want to board it.

Confused About the Nsa's Quantum Computing Project? This MIT Computer Scientist Can Explain.
From ACM Opinion

Confused About the Nsa's Quantum Computing Project? This MIT Computer Scientist Can Explain.

My Washington Post colleagues have reported on a National Security Agency program to to build a quantum computer.

Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives
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Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives

By now, most people have heard of Bitcoin, the peer-to-peer currency whose value has soared over the past couple of years.

Edward Snowden, After Months of Nsa Rvelations, Says His Mission's Accomplished
From ACM Opinion

Edward Snowden, After Months of Nsa Rvelations, Says His Mission's Accomplished

The familiar voice on the hotel room phone did not waste words.

Judge: Nsa’s Collecting of Phone Records Is Probably Unconstitutional
From ACM TechNews

Judge: Nsa’s Collecting of Phone Records Is Probably Unconstitutional

A district court judge has ruled the U.S. National Security Agency's daily collection of virtually all Americans' phone records is almost certainly unconstitutional...

By Cracking Cellphone Code, Nsa Has Capacity For Decoding Private Conversations
From ACM TechNews

By Cracking Cellphone Code, Nsa Has Capacity For Decoding Private Conversations

The U.S. National Security Agency is able to crack the A5/1 encryption technology used on most cellphones worldwide. 

Nsa ­ses Google Cookies to Pinpoint Targets For Hacking
From ACM TechNews

Nsa ­ses Google Cookies to Pinpoint Targets For Hacking

Documents released by former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden indicate the agency uses Internet cookies to hack indivuals' computers. 

From ACM News

Fbi's Search For 'mo,' Suspect in Bomb Threats, Highlights ­se of Malware For Surveillance

The man who called himself "Mo" had dark hair, a foreign accent and—if the pictures he emailed to federal investigators could be believed—an Iranian military uniform...

When Bitcoins Go Bad: 4 Stories of Fraud, Hacking, and Digital Currencies
From ACM News

When Bitcoins Go Bad: 4 Stories of Fraud, Hacking, and Digital Currencies

With Bitcoin interest (and prices) spiking, you might be considering investing in your own little cache of digital currency.
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