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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Facial Recognition Technology Is Everywhere. It May Not Be Legal.
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Technology Is Everywhere. It May Not Be Legal.

Being anonymous in public might be a thing of the past.

The Government's High-Tech Plan For Identifying You Based on Your Tattoos
From ACM TechNews

The Government's High-Tech Plan For Identifying You Based on Your Tattoos

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has reviewed the results of a challenge to develop systems to identify a person based on their tattoos.

How the Country's Top Privacy Cop Is Trying to Protect Consumers in the Digital Age
From ACM Opinion

How the Country's Top Privacy Cop Is Trying to Protect Consumers in the Digital Age

As the digital economy has exploded, tech companies are collecting untold amounts of data on everyday Americans.

The Long Life of a Quick 'fix'
From ACM News

The Long Life of a Quick 'fix'

By the time a pair of engineers sat down for lunch together in Austin, the Internet's growing pains had become dire.

A Flaw in the Design
From ACM News

A Flaw in the Design

The Internet’s founders saw its promise but didn’t foresee users attacking one another.

The House Just Passed a Bill About Space Mining
From ACM News

The House Just Passed a Bill About Space Mining

For as long as we've existed, humans have looked up at the stars—and wondered.

Tech Giants Don’t Want Obama to Give Police Access to Encrypted Phone Data
From ACM News

Tech Giants Don’t Want Obama to Give Police Access to Encrypted Phone Data

Technology companies, trade associations, and security and policy experts are urging President Obama to reject proposals to weaken security of communication devices...

Google, Nasa Work Together on Disney Show to Inspire Girls Into Sciences
From ACM TechNews

Google, Nasa Work Together on Disney Show to Inspire Girls Into Sciences

Disney Junior wants a new show it is developing to help bury media stereotypes about science and programmers.

Wearable Gadgets Portend Vast Health, Research, and Privacy Consequences
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Gadgets Portend Vast Health, Research, and Privacy Consequences

New devices can provide the average person with unprecedented access to quantifiable information about their bodies. 

The Void's Creator Details His Vision For ­nleashing Virtual Reality's Full Potential
From ACM Opinion

The Void's Creator Details His Vision For ­nleashing Virtual Reality's Full Potential

In a 60-by-60-foot room in Salt Lake City, Ken Bretschneider is taking virtual reality experiences to another level.

What It Feels Like to Fly a Drone with Your Brain
From ACM News

What It Feels Like to Fly a Drone with Your Brain

  At the Global Conference on CyberSpace, Vint Cerf tested technology that lets a person control a drone’s movements with his or her brain.  

As Encryption Spreads, U.s. Grapples with Clash Between Privacy, Security
From ACM News

As Encryption Spreads, U.s. Grapples with Clash Between Privacy, Security

For months, federal law enforcement agencies and industry have been deadlocked on a highly contentious issue: Should tech companies be obliged to guarantee government...

Happy Birthday to Moore's Law
From ACM News

Happy Birthday to Moore's Law

Few revolutions can be said to have lasted for half a century, or to have wrought disruptive change at a predictable pace.

Why the 'position Gap' Is More Important Than the Wage Gap For Women in Tech
From ACM TechNews

Why the 'position Gap' Is More Important Than the Wage Gap For Women in Tech

Despite the recent focus on the bias against women in the technology sector, research has shown that the tech sector is far less unequal than other fields. 

China Deploys New Weapon For Online Censorship in Form of 'great Cannon'
From ACM TechNews

China Deploys New Weapon For Online Censorship in Form of 'great Cannon'

Two recent distributed denial-of-service attacks represent some of the first uses of a new tool in China's cyber arsenal, dubbed the "Great Cannon." 

Nasa, IBM Team Up on Global Hackathon to Solve Earth's Problems
From ACM TechNews

Nasa, IBM Team Up on Global Hackathon to Solve Earth's Problems

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration this weekend will hold its fourth annual space apps hackathon. 

Can You Vote For the Next President on Your Smartphone? Not Just Yet.
From ACM TechNews

Can You Vote For the Next President on Your Smartphone? Not Just Yet.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission has approved a measure to update the security and accessibility guidelines for voting machines. 

How Google Is Making Sure Cows Won't Foil Its Self-Driving Cars
From ACM News

How Google Is Making Sure Cows Won't Foil Its Self-Driving Cars

Most of us haven't had a cow wander on to a road in front of us while we're driving. Still, it's the type of situation Google is wisely anticipating.

Tech Titans' Latest Project: Defy Death
From ACM News

Tech Titans' Latest Project: Defy Death

Seated at the head of a table for 12 with a view of the city's soaring skyline, Peter Thiel was deep in conversation with his guests, eclectic scientists whose...

Why Shades of Asperger's Syndrome Are the Secret to Building a Great Tech Company
From ACM Careers

Why Shades of Asperger's Syndrome Are the Secret to Building a Great Tech Company

The individuals who have founded some of the most success tech companies are decidedly weird.
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