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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Preventing a Pearl Harbor of Cyberspace
From ACM News

Preventing a Pearl Harbor of Cyberspace

At a time when the Internet has been inextricably linked to our national infrastructure, there are understandably serious concerns about the ability of the U.S...

From ACM News

How Many Security Clearances Have Been Issued?

More than 4.2 million people have security clearances for access to classified information, a number that vastly outstrips previous estimates and nearly rivals...

From ACM News

In China, Business Travelers Take Extreme Precautions to Avoid Cyber-Espionage

Packing for business in China? Bring your passport and business cards, but maybe not that laptop loaded with contacts and corporate memos.

From ACM TechNews

Technically, Science Will Be Less Lonely For Women When Girls Are Spurred Early

Girls are being sent a message at a young age that careers in math and science are marked by social isolation and will make them seem less attractive. However,...

From ACM News

A Future For Drones: Automated Killing

One afternoon last fall at Fort Benning, GA, two model-size planes took off, climbed to 800 and 1,000 feet, and began criss-crossing the military base in search...

From ACM News

Chinese Cyberwar Video Goes Missing

Now you see it, now you don’t. A Chinese documentary that showed off the military’s ability to conduct a cyberattack against a U.S.-based site appears to have...

London Riots: Britain Weighs Personal Freedoms Against Need to Keep Order
From ACM TechNews

London Riots: Britain Weighs Personal Freedoms Against Need to Keep Order

The British government is taking aim at social media amid the recent riots, claiming that it is undermining the country's democracy. British and Scottish authorities...

Defcon Opens Its Doors to Pre-Teen and Teen Hackers
From ACM News

Defcon Opens Its Doors to Pre-Teen and Teen Hackers

DefCon, the conference where hackers and the people who monitor them get together to trade the latest in hacking and tracking data, had some new attendees: children...

From ACM News

Little-Known Firms Tracking Data Used in Credit Scores

Atlanta entrepreneur Mike Mondelli has access to more than a billion records detailing consumers’ personal finances—and there is little they can do about it.

From ACM News

­.s. Cyber Approach 'too Predictable' For One Top General

The nation’s second-ranking military official said Thursday that the U.S. approach to protecting its computer systems was "too predictable" and failed to penalize...

Global Race on to Match U.s. Drone Capabilities
From ACM News

Global Race on to Match U.s. Drone Capabilities

At the most recent Zhuhai air show, the premier event for China's aviation industry, crowds swarmed around a model of an armed, jet-propelled drone and marveled...

From ACM News

As Smartphones Proliferate, Some ­sers Cut the Computer Cord

A third of all American adults own a smartphone and for many minority and low-income users, those mobile devices have replaced computers for Internet access. The...

From ACM News

Maryland Sees Its Moment in Cybersecurity

As Fort Meade increasingly becomes a stronghold for federal cybersecurity, Maryland officials and business advocates are trying to take advantage of what they...

Google Ideas Think Tank Gathering Former Extremists to Battle Radicalization
From ACM TechNews

Google Ideas Think Tank Gathering Former Extremists to Battle Radicalization

The Google Ideas think tank has gathered 80 former radicals, including ex-neo-Nazis, Muslim extremists, and U.S. gang members, to brainstorm ways technology can...

From ACM News

List of Cyber-Weapons Developed By Pentagon to Streamline Computer Warfare

The Pentagon has developed a list of cyber-weapons and -tools, including viruses that can sabotage an adversary’s critical networks, to streamline how the United...

From ACM News

Autocratic Regimes Fight Web-Savvy Opponents with Their Own Tools

For weeks, Syrian democracy activists have used Facebook and Twitter to promote a wave of bold demonstrations. Now, the Syrian government and its supporters are...

Obama Administration Outlines International Strategy For Cyberspace
From ACM TechNews

Obama Administration Outlines International Strategy For Cyberspace

President Obama has released an international strategy for cyberspace security that focuses on developing rules for responsible state behavior with the goal of...

From ACM News

Netflix Biggest Driver of U.s. Internet Traffic, Puts Spotlight on Broadband Pricing

Netflix streaming videos drove nearly 30% of all North American broadband Internet traffic during peak hours, with consumers continuing their voracious appetite...

From ACM News

3-D Printers May Someday Allow Labs to Create Replacement Human Organs

The machine looks like the offspring of an Erector Set and an inkjet printer. The "ink" feels like applesauce and looks like icing. As nozzles expel the pearly...

From ACM News

Parting with Privacy with a Quick Click

When Scott Fitzsimones turned 13, he got an iPhone, set up accounts for Facebook and Pandora and went on an apps downloading spree. At the same time, the new...
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