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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorThe Washington Post

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Herb: A Robot That Can ­nload a Dishwasher and (sometimes) Take Apart an Oreo
From ACM TechNews

Herb: A Robot That Can ­nload a Dishwasher and (sometimes) Take Apart an Oreo

The Home Exploring Robot Butler has advanced manipulation skills that enable it to perform multiple functions. 

'smart Pills' with Chips, Cameras, and Robotic Parts Raise Legal, Ethical Questions
From ACM News

'smart Pills' with Chips, Cameras, and Robotic Parts Raise Legal, Ethical Questions

Each morning around 6, Mary Ellen Snodgrass swallows a computer chip.

When Driverless Cars Crash, Who's to Blame?
From ACM News

When Driverless Cars Crash, Who's to Blame?

Self-driving cars have an undeniable allure: Think of all the fun things you could do if you didn't have to keep your eyes on the road!

Ohio Surgeons Hope Chip in Man's Brain Lets Him Control Paralyzed Hand with Thoughts
From ACM News

Ohio Surgeons Hope Chip in Man's Brain Lets Him Control Paralyzed Hand with Thoughts

Chad Bouton snapped awake at 5 a.m.

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?
From ACM News

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?

Microsoft researchers have enabled elevators in a company building to detect the likelihood that a person walking by will want to board it.

Rise of the Drone: From Calif. Garage to Multibillion-Dollar Defense Industry
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Rise of the Drone: From Calif. Garage to Multibillion-Dollar Defense Industry

In 1980, Abraham Karem, an engineer who had emigrated from Israel, retreated into his three-car garage in Hacienda Heights outside Los Angeles and, to the bemusement...

From ACM News

A Future For Drones: Automated Killing

One afternoon last fall at Fort Benning, GA, two model-size planes took off, climbed to 800 and 1,000 feet, and began criss-crossing the military base in search...

Global Race on to Match U.s. Drone Capabilities
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Global Race on to Match U.s. Drone Capabilities

At the most recent Zhuhai air show, the premier event for China's aviation industry, crowds swarmed around a model of an armed, jet-propelled drone and marveled...

In a Country Known For Robots, Their Chief Tasks Didn't Include Nuclear Safety
From ACM TechNews

In a Country Known For Robots, Their Chief Tasks Didn't Include Nuclear Safety

Japan's focus on building humanoid robots that perform tasks that humans can already do, instead of building robots that can go where humans cannot, has made it...

AI Makes Progress, but Robots Still Can't Match Humans
From ACM TechNews

AI Makes Progress, but Robots Still Can't Match Humans

Despite advances in artificial intelligence research, a robot that can pass the Turing test has yet to be developed. The development of human-like intelligence...

From ACM TechNews

'I'm Here to Make You Feel Better'

Researchers are developing socially assistive robots that can provide therapy and support to people with cognitive and physical handicaps. One example is CosmoBot...

From ACM TechNews

More and More, Schools Got Game

Teachers are increasingly incorporating video games, virtual reality, and simulations to improve education. Business and science classes are starting to use sophisticated...
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