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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Guaranteeing the Safety of Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Guaranteeing the Safety of Autonomous Vehicles

Computer scientists developed of method to ensure end-to-end safety of autonomous vehicles by guaranteeing the results of the machine learning algorithms used to...

Bitcoin ETFs Have Arrived. Here's Who Stands to Get Rich
From ACM News

Bitcoin ETFs Have Arrived. Here's Who Stands to Get Rich

U.S. approval of spot bitcoin ETFs, a new way to track the price of bitcoin, could trigger a gold rush for investors.

Cryptographic Scheme Could Fix AirTag Stalking
From ACM TechNews

Cryptographic Scheme Could Fix AirTag Stalking

Researchers developed a cryptographic scheme to prioritize the detection of potential AirTag stalking while maintaining privacy for users.

The AI-Powered, Totally Autonomous Future of War Is Here
From ACM News

The AI-Powered, Totally Autonomous Future of War Is Here

Ships without crews. Self-directed drone swarms. How a U.S. Navy task force is using off-the-shelf robotics and artificial intelligence to prepare for the next...

AI is Building Highly Effective Antibodies Humans Can't Even Imagine
From ACM News

AI is Building Highly Effective Antibodies Humans Can't Even Imagine

Robots, computers, and algorithms are hunting for potential new therapies in ways humans can't.

The AI-Powered, Totally Autonomous Future of War Is Here
From ACM News

The AI-Powered, Totally Autonomous Future of War Is Here

Ships without crews. Self-directed drone swarms. How a U.S. Navy task force is using off-the-shelf robotics and artificial intelligence to prepare for the next...

Humanoid Robots Are Coming of Age
From ACM News

Humanoid Robots Are Coming of Age

A few years ago, humanoid robots were clumsy and awkward. Now several startups claim to have models almost ready to go to work in warehouses and factories.

China's Metaverse Is All About Work
From ACM TechNews

China's Metaverse Is All About Work

China's government aims to build a metaverse that supports the economy, while its Western counterparts are focused on consumers.

AR Art Takes Over British City
From ACM TechNews

AR Art Takes Over British City

The U.K. city of Sheffield has transformed its rooftops into an augmented reality-based art display.

What's AGI, and Why Are AI Experts Skeptical?
From ACM News

What's AGI, and Why Are AI Experts Skeptical?

ChatGPT and other bots have revived conversations on artificial general intelligence. Scientists say algorithms won't surpass you any time soon.

Robotaxis Are Going to Sound Weird
From ACM News

Robotaxis Are Going to Sound Weird

Good weird! Skip the small talk in a driverless EV and enjoy the audio cues that will guide you through a ride and keep you safe.

ChatGPT Opened a New Era in Search. Microsoft Could Ruin It
From ACM News

ChatGPT Opened a New Era in Search. Microsoft Could Ruin It

Startups say Microsoft and its Bing chatbot—not just Google—are stifling competition when it comes to creating better search engines.

Metaverse Landlords Are Creating a New Class System
From ACM News

Metaverse Landlords Are Creating a New Class System

Virtual landowners have found a way to put their investments to work, but with unintended consequences.

Yes, ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Office Job
From ACM News

Yes, ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Office Job

White-collar workers may soon face the AI disruption everyone's been panicking about. But the news may be better than you think.

U.S. Border Patrol Finally Able to Check E-Passport Data
From ACM News

U.S. Border Patrol Finally Able to Check E-Passport Data

After 16 years, the agency has implemented the software to cryptographically verify digital passport data—and it's already caught a dozen alleged fraudsters.

Audiobook Narrators Fear Apple Used Their Voices to Train AI
From ACM News

Audiobook Narrators Fear Apple Used Their Voices to Train AI

After a backlash, Spotify paused an arrangement that allowed Apple to train machine learning models on some audiobook files.

This Startup Is Using AI to Unearth New Smells
From ACM News

This Startup Is Using AI to Unearth New Smells

Google Research spinout Osmo wants to find substitutes for hard-to-source aromas. The tech could inspire new perfumes—and help combat mosquito-borne diseases.

Digital Eternity Is Just Around the Corner
From ACM News

Digital Eternity Is Just Around the Corner

These past few years have been visceral reminders of our mortality. But new technologies can offer a way for us and our loved ones to live on.

The Sci-Fi Dream of a 'Molecular Computer' Is Getting More Real
From ACM News

The Sci-Fi Dream of a 'Molecular Computer' Is Getting More Real

Chemists have long conceptualized tiny machines that could fabricate drugs, plastics, and other polymers that are hard to build with bigger tools.

Electric Vehicles Could Rescue the Power Grid
From ACM News

Electric Vehicles Could Rescue the Power Grid

By 2035, the batteries in California's zero-emission cars could power every home in the state for three days.
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