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subjectCommunications / Networking

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Average Webpage Is Now the Size of the Original Doom
From ACM News

The Average Webpage Is Now the Size of the Original Doom

The web is Doomed.

Two Tips to Keep Your Phone's Encrypted Messages Encrypted
From ACM News

Two Tips to Keep Your Phone's Encrypted Messages Encrypted

End-to-end encryption by default is quickly becoming the new standard for any communications app that claims to care about the privacy of those who use it.

New Maps Make Aftershocks Look Scarier Than the Main Quake
From ACM News

New Maps Make Aftershocks Look Scarier Than the Main Quake

Aftershocks continue shaking the cities of Kumamoto, Japan and Muisne, Ecuador, almost a week after earthquakes rocked the two cities, frightening residents still...

Hyper Vision
From ACM News

Hyper Vision

There is something special happening in a generic office park in an uninspiring suburb near Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Mit's Teaching AI How to Help Stop Cyberattacks
From ACM News

Mit's Teaching AI How to Help Stop Cyberattacks

Finding evidence that someone compromised your cyber defenses is a grind.

You Want to Build an Empire Like Google's? This Is Your Os
From ACM News

You Want to Build an Empire Like Google's? This Is Your Os

Google called it Borg, and for many years, it was among the company's best-kept secrets.

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working
From ACM News

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working

Apple's move to encrypt your iPhone and WhatsApp's rollout of end-to-end encrypted messaging have generated plenty of privacy applause and law enforcement controversy...

How Microsoft Conjured ­p Real-Life Star Wars Holograms
From ACM TechNews

How Microsoft Conjured ­p Real-Life Star Wars Holograms

In holoportation, a live hologram of a person is projected into another room for real-time interaction with whomever is present.

Why Our Crazy-Smart AI Still Sucks at Transcribing Speech
From ACM TechNews

Why Our Crazy-Smart AI Still Sucks at Transcribing Speech

The task of providing accurate transcriptions of long blocks of human conversation remains beyond the abilities of even today's most advanced software. 

IBM Wants to Implant Fake Brains in Real Brains to Prevent Seizures
From ACM News

IBM Wants to Implant Fake Brains in Real Brains to Prevent Seizures

Talk about neural networking.

Forget Apple vs. the Fbi: Whatsapp Just Switched on Encryption For a Billion People
From ACM News

Forget Apple vs. the Fbi: Whatsapp Just Switched on Encryption For a Billion People

For most of the past six weeks, the biggest story out of Silicon Valley was Apple's battle with the FBI over a federal order to unlock the iPhone of a mass shooter...

Why Do the Feds ­sually Try to ­nlock Phones? It's Drugs, Not Terrorism
From ACM News

Why Do the Feds ­sually Try to ­nlock Phones? It's Drugs, Not Terrorism

Until the FBI backed down from its battle with Apple over accessing the iPhone 5c of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, it seemed the agency had chosen...

The Apple-Fbi Battle Is Over, But the New Crypto Wars Have Just Begun
From ACM News

The Apple-Fbi Battle Is Over, But the New Crypto Wars Have Just Begun

Apple's standoff with the FBI unfolded over the course of several weeks, but ended in a matter of days.

Why Isis Is Winning the Social Media War
From ACM News

Why Isis Is Winning the Social Media War

Early last December, two days after Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik murdered 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California, the married couple’s landlord...

A Computer With a Great Eye Is About to Transform Botany
From ACM News

A Computer With a Great Eye Is About to Transform Botany

My dad is a wildlife biologist, and during road trips we took when I was growing up he spent a lot of time talking about the grasses and trees along the highway...

­tah's Online Caucus Gives Security Experts Heart Attacks
From ACM News

­tah's Online Caucus Gives Security Experts Heart Attacks

Security researchers pretty much uniformly agree that letting people vote online is a very bad idea, one that is fraught with risks and vulnerabilities that could...

Long Before the Apple-Fbi Battle, Lavabit Sounded a Warning
From ACM News

Long Before the Apple-Fbi Battle, Lavabit Sounded a Warning

Three years ago, Ladar Levison, the founder of the now-defunct secure email service known as Lavabit, was in the same position Apple finds itself today: facing...

The Fbi Warns That Car Hacking Is a Real Risk
From ACM News

The Fbi Warns That Car Hacking Is a Real Risk

It's been eight months since a pair of security researchers proved beyond any doubt that car hacking is more than an action movie plot device when they remotely ...

How Google's AI Viewed the Move No Human Could ­nderstand
From ACM News

How Google's AI Viewed the Move No Human Could ­nderstand

The move didn't make sense to the humans packed into the sixth floor of Seoul's Four Seasons hotel. But the Google machine saw it quite differently.

Biometrics Are Coming, Along With Serious Security Concerns
From ACM News

Biometrics Are Coming, Along With Serious Security Concerns

You're buying a pair of jeans. At the register, instead of reaching for your wallet or phone, you pull back your hair.
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