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subjectComputer Applications

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Best AI Still Flunks 8th Grade Science
From ACM News

The Best AI Still Flunks 8th Grade Science

In 2012, IBM Watson went to medical school. So said The New York Times, announcing that the tech giant’s artificially intelligent question-and-answer machine had...

If You Go Near the Super Bowl, You Will Be Surveilled Hard
From ACM News

If You Go Near the Super Bowl, You Will Be Surveilled Hard

Super Bowl 50 will be big in every way.

Nsa Hacker Chief Explains How to Keep Him Out of Your System
From ACM News

Nsa Hacker Chief Explains How to Keep Him Out of Your System

It was the talk most anticipated at this year's inaugural Usenix Enigma security conference in San Francisco and one that even the other speakers were eager to...

Football Coaches Are Turning to AI For Help Calling Plays
From ACM News

Football Coaches Are Turning to AI For Help Calling Plays

In 1996, IBM'S Deep Blue became the first supercomputer to defeat a chess grandmaster, Garry Kasparov, in a game.

Scientists Capture Crispr's Gene-Cutting in Action
From ACM News

Scientists Capture Crispr's Gene-Cutting in Action

For all the furious hype around the gene-editing tool Crispr/Cas9, no one has ever really seen it in action. Like really seen it.

The Nfl Is Finally Tapping Into the Power of Data
From ACM News

The Nfl Is Finally Tapping Into the Power of Data

The NFL may be the most popular and profitable major sport in America, but until recently, it's lagged behind other leagues in sophisticated use of data analysis...

An Easy Way For Hackers to Remotely Burn Industrial Motors
From ACM News

An Easy Way For Hackers to Remotely Burn Industrial Motors

Hacks that cause physical destruction are so rare they can be counted on one hand.

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes
From ACM News

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes

The robots arrived years ago. They help build stuff in factories. They shuttle packages and products across the massive warehouses that drive Amazon’s worldwide...

Science Can Tell If North Korea's Test Was Really an H-Bomb
From ACM News

Science Can Tell If North Korea's Test Was Really an H-Bomb

It was the whomp felt 'round the world.

Page Views Don't Matter Anymore—but They Just Won't Die
From ACM News

Page Views Don't Matter Anymore—but They Just Won't Die

The page view is a zombie.

How the Internet of Things Got Hacked
From ACM News

How the Internet of Things Got Hacked

There was once a time when people distinguished between cyberspace, the digital world of computers and hackers, and the flesh-and-blood reality known as meatspace...

Nobody Knew How Big a Deal the Cloud Would Be—they Do Now
From ACM News

Nobody Knew How Big a Deal the Cloud Would Be—they Do Now

Ten years ago, Amazon unleashed a technology that we now call, for better or for worse, cloud computing.

The Secret History of World War Ii-Era Drones
From ACM News

The Secret History of World War Ii-Era Drones

Drones are the hallmark of tech-y modern warfare, but weapons piloted from afar have been around for more than a century.  

For Google, Quantum Computing Is Like Learning to Fly
From ACM News

For Google, Quantum Computing Is Like Learning to Fly

At a NASA lab in Silicon Valley, Google is testing a quantum computer—a machine based on the seemingly magical principles of quantum mechanics, the physics of things...

Hacker Lexicon: Malvertising, the Hack That Infects Computers Without a Click
From ACM News

Hacker Lexicon: Malvertising, the Hack That Infects Computers Without a Click

Malvertising is when hackers buy ad space on a legitimate website, and, as the name suggests, upload malicious advertisements designed to hack site visitor’s computers...

Crispr Gene-Editing Gets Rules. Well, Guidelines, Really
From ACM News

Crispr Gene-Editing Gets Rules. Well, Guidelines, Really

If you're hoping to engineer perfect babies, you're going to have to wait.

Teaching AI to Play Atari Will Help Robots Make Sense of Our World
From ACM News

Teaching AI to Play Atari Will Help Robots Make Sense of Our World

Google is teaching machines to play Atari games like Space Invaders, Video Pinball, andBreakout. And they're getting pretty good.  

Medical Devices That Are Vulnerable to Life-Threatening Hacks
From ACM News

Medical Devices That Are Vulnerable to Life-Threatening Hacks

When you think about the Internet of Things, you probably think of smart refrigerators and smart electric meters, not smart pacemakers, insulin pumps, and x-ray...

Apple's Swift Ios Programming Language Could Soon Be in Data Centers
From ACM News

Apple's Swift Ios Programming Language Could Soon Be in Data Centers

Apple created the new Swift programming language as a better way of building apps for the iPhone, and it was a welcomed thing.

Isis' Opsec Manual Reveals How It Handles Cybersecurity
From ACM News

Isis' Opsec Manual Reveals How It Handles Cybersecurity

In the wake of the Paris attacks, US government officials have been vocal in their condemnation of encryption, suggesting that US companies like Apple and Google...
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