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subjectComputer Applications

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Court Says the Ftc Can Slap Companies For Getting Hacked
From ACM News

Court Says the Ftc Can Slap Companies For Getting Hacked

For companies like the dating site Ashley Madison or the health insurer Anthem, financial loss, customer anger and professional embarrassment aren't the only consequences...

Something Deep Inside Pluto Is Replenishing Its Atmosphere
From ACM News

Something Deep Inside Pluto Is Replenishing Its Atmosphere

Pluto has a problem: Its thin, nitrogen atmosphere shouldn't be there.

Crackdowns Haven't Stopped the Dark Web's $100 Yearly Drug Sales
From ACM News

Crackdowns Haven't Stopped the Dark Web's $100 Yearly Drug Sales

After more than four years and two giant law enforcement busts, the Dark Web's drug market is still just as robust as it was during the Silk Road's heyday.

Code 'transplant" Could Revolutionize Programming
From ACM TechNews

Code 'transplant" Could Revolutionize Programming

A new software tool is capable of automatically isolating the code of a feature in one program and "transplanting" it into another program.

This Hacker's Tiny Device ­nlocks Cars and Opens Garages
From ACM News

This Hacker's Tiny Device ­nlocks Cars and Opens Garages

The next time you press your wireless key fob to unlock your car, if you find that it doesn’t beep until the second try, the issue may not be a technical glitch...

Hackers Can Disable a Sniper Rifle—Or Change Its Target
From ACM News

Hackers Can Disable a Sniper Rifle—Or Change Its Target

Put a computer on a sniper rifle, and it can turn the most amateur shooter into a world-class marksman.

Researchers Hack Air-Gapped Computer With Simple Cell Phone
From ACM News

Researchers Hack Air-Gapped Computer With Simple Cell Phone

The most sensitive work environments, like nuclear power plants, demand the strictest security.

What We're Really Looking At When We Look at Pluto
From ACM News

What We're Really Looking At When We Look at Pluto

The images of Pluto that the New Horizons probe beamed across 3 billion miles of hard vacuum are, in a word, breathtaking.

After Jeep Hack, Chrysler Recalls 1.4m Vehicles For Bug Fix
From ACM News

After Jeep Hack, Chrysler Recalls 1.4m Vehicles For Bug Fix

Welcome to the age of hackable automobiles, when two security researchers can cause a 1.4 million product recall.

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—with Me in It
From ACM News

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—with Me in It

I was driving 70 mph on the edge of downtown St. Louis when the exploit began to take hold.

The Tools Inspectors Can Use to Catch Iran's Nuclear Hijinks
From ACM News

The Tools Inspectors Can Use to Catch Iran's Nuclear Hijinks

After Tuesday's historic agreement between Iran and the "P5+1" group of countries, inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency will have access to all...

Manhattan Da: Iphone Crypto Locked Out Cops 74 Time
From ACM News

Manhattan Da: Iphone Crypto Locked Out Cops 74 Time

The debate over encryption and backdoors for law enforcement has long had a surplus of opinions and a deficit of data.

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool
From ACM News

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool

We have a habit of filling new technologies with old ideas.

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data
From ACM Careers

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data

The cryptography behind bitcoin solved a paradoxical problem: a currency with no regulator, that nonetheless can't be counterfeited.

Watch: Black Hole Sim Whips Dark Matter Into a Frenzy
From ACM News

Watch: Black Hole Sim Whips Dark Matter Into a Frenzy

Dark matter is to astrophysicists what sex is to kids in junior high school: Everybody is really interested, but nobody really knows what it looks like.

Ai's Next Frontier: Machines That ­nderstand Language
From ACM News

Ai's Next Frontier: Machines That ­nderstand Language

With the help of neural networks—vast networks of machines that mimic the web of neurons in the human brain—Facebook can recognize your face.

Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party
From ACM News

Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party

Facebook and Google are building enormous neural networks—artificial brains—that can instantly recognize faces, cars, buildings, and other objects in digital photos...

Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire
From ACM News

Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire

Three-and-a-half years ago, a strange computing device appeared at an office building in the tiny farmland town of Shelby, Iowa.

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet
From ACM News

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet

When you hear the word "Internet," what do you picture in your mind?

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?
From ACM News

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?

Ivan Poupyrev looks like he's playing the world's smallest violin.
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