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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

House Democrats Release 3,500 Russia-Linked Facebook Ads
From ACM News

House Democrats Release 3,500 Russia-Linked Facebook Ads

On Thursday, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee published more than 3,500 Facebook and Instagram ads linked to the Russian propaganda group Internet...

Could Artificial Intelligence Predict the Next Avengers: Infinity War?
From ACM News

Could Artificial Intelligence Predict the Next Avengers: Infinity War?

Some movies are obvious hits. Like, for example, Avengers: Infinity War, which made a record-breaking $258 million at the domestic box office last weekend, filling...

Some Startups ­se Fake Data to Train AI
From ACM News

Some Startups ­se Fake Data to Train AI

Berlin startup had a problem last spring. The company was developing an augmented-reality app akin to a full-body version of Snapchat's selfie filters—hold...

Cracking the Crypto War
From ACM News

Cracking the Crypto War

On December 2, 2015, a man named Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire on employees of the Department of Public Health in San Bernardino,...

Heat-Seeking Cameras Could Help Keep Self-Driving Cars Safe
From ACM News

Heat-Seeking Cameras Could Help Keep Self-Driving Cars Safe

After Uber's fatal self-driving crash last month in Tempe, Arizona, most observers had two basic question: Why did the car not see Elaine Herzberg crossing the...

Google's New AI Head Is So Smart He Doesn't Need AI
From ACM News

Google's New AI Head Is So Smart He Doesn't Need AI

Google's heavy investment in artificial intelligence has helped the company's software write music and beat humans at complex board games. What unlikely feats could...

­sing Open Source Designs to Create More Specialized Chips
From ACM News

­sing Open Source Designs to Create More Specialized Chips

The open source movement changed how companies build software. Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo employees pitched in during the early days of the data-crunching software...

A Long-Awaited IoT Crisis Is Here, and Many Devices Aren't Ready
From ACM News

A Long-Awaited IoT Crisis Is Here, and Many Devices Aren't Ready

You know by now that Internet of Things devices like your router are often vulnerable to attack, the industry-wide lack of investment in security leaving the door...

A 200-Year-Old Idea Offers a New Way to Trace Stolen Bitcoins
From ACM TechNews

A 200-Year-Old Idea Offers a New Way to Trace Stolen Bitcoins

Researchers are using an 1816 legal precedent to track down stolen bitcoins.

A Brain-Boosting Prosthesis Moves From Rats to Humans
From ACM News

A Brain-Boosting Prosthesis Moves From Rats to Humans

The shape on the screen appears only briefly—just long enough for the test subject to commit it to memory. At the same time, an electrical signal snakes past the...

The Next NSA Chief Is More ­sed to Cyberwar Than Spy Games
From ACM News

The Next NSA Chief Is More ­sed to Cyberwar Than Spy Games

After sailing through two friendly Senate hearings—one so uncontroversial that only six senators tops bothered to even show up at any given point in the hour—Lieutenant...

Facebook's New Data Restrictions Will Handcuff Even Honest Researchers
From ACM News

Facebook's New Data Restrictions Will Handcuff Even Honest Researchers

Last week, when news broke (again) that Cambridge Analytica had allegedly misused 50 million Facebook users' data, it immediately raised a difficult question: When...

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More
From ACM News

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More

Consumers have long wondered just what Google and Facebook know about them, and who else can access their personal data. But internet giants have little incentive...

Researchers Restore 'Feeling' to Lost Limbs, Kinda
From ACM News

Researchers Restore 'Feeling' to Lost Limbs, Kinda

The bionic hand closes slowly. Its slender metal digits whirr as they jitter into a loose fist, as though they are wrapping around an invisible baton.

AI Has a Hallucination Problem That's Proving Tough to Fix
From ACM TechNews

AI Has a Hallucination Problem That's Proving Tough to Fix

Deep neural network software driving innovation in consumer gadgets and automated driving is vulnerable to sabotage by hallucination, experts say.

The Key to the Perfect March Madness Bracket: Evolution
From ACM News

The Key to the Perfect March Madness Bracket: Evolution

Predicting the winners and losers of March Madness is such a daunting challenge that it attracts math nerds like Starfleet voyagers lining up at Comic-Con.

AI Has a Hallucination Problem That's Proving Tough to Fix
From ACM News

AI Has a Hallucination Problem That's Proving Tough to Fix

Tech companies are rushing to infuse everything with artificial intelligence, driven by big leaps in the power of machine learning software. But the deep-neural...

Wanna See Around Corners? Better Get Yourself a Laser
From ACM News

Wanna See Around Corners? Better Get Yourself a Laser

You can't see the bunny, but the picosecond laser certainly can.

The Decentralized Internet Is Here, With Some Glitches
From ACM News

The Decentralized Internet Is Here, With Some Glitches

I usually write in Google's online word processor Google Docs, even when noting the company's shortcomings.

Spoof, Jam, Destroy: Why We Need a Backup for GPS
From ACM News

Spoof, Jam, Destroy: Why We Need a Backup for GPS

Earth got a warning shot on January 25, 2016. On that day, Air Force engineers were scheduled to kill off a GPS satellite named SVN-23—the oldest in the navigation...
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