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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Hard Math Behind Bitcoin's Global Warming Problem
From ACM TechNews

The Hard Math Behind Bitcoin's Global Warming Problem

A recent report calculated that the global electricity consumption of bitcoin mining would exceed that of the U.S. by July 2019, and of the entire world by November...

Unprecedented Malware Targets Industrial Safety Systems in the Middle East
From ACM News

Unprecedented Malware Targets Industrial Safety Systems in the Middle East

Since Stuxnet first targeted and destroyed uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran last decade, the cybersecurity world has waited for the next step in that digital...

It's Super Hard to Find Humans in the Fcc's Net Neutrality Comments
From ACM News

It's Super Hard to Find Humans in the Fcc's Net Neutrality Comments

The Federal Communications Commissions''public comment period on its plans to repeal net neutrality protections was bombarded with bots, memes, and input from people...

Captcha Is Dying. This Is How It's Being Reinvented For the AI Age
From ACM TechNews

Captcha Is Dying. This Is How It's Being Reinvented For the AI Age

Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHAs) appear to be heading toward obsolescence.

It Takes Just $1,000 to Track Someone's Location with Mobile Ads
From ACM News

It Takes Just $1,000 to Track Someone's Location with Mobile Ads

When you consider the nagging privacy risks of online advertising, you may find comfort in the thought of a vast, abstract company like Pepsi or Nike viewing you...

The Race to Secure Voting Tech Gets an ­rgent Jumpstart
From ACM TechNews

The Race to Secure Voting Tech Gets an ­rgent Jumpstart

There is an urgent need to secure U.S. voting systems ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, according to a report by the Atlantic Council think tank and hacking...

Wanna Stop Distracted Driving? Make Cars That Watch Their Humans
From ACM News

Wanna Stop Distracted Driving? Make Cars That Watch Their Humans

Everyone knows that distracted driving is a problem, but it tends to fall in the "other people/not me" category of personal risk assessment among drivers.

For Superpowers, Artificial Intelligence Fuels New Global Arms Race
From ACM News

For Superpowers, Artificial Intelligence Fuels New Global Arms Race

For many Russian students, the academic year started last Friday with tips on planetary domination from President Vladimir Putin.

The Quest to Perfect the ­niversal Language of Science
From ACM News

The Quest to Perfect the ­niversal Language of Science

For millennia, humans have turned to the sky to tell time.

Google's New AI Learns By Baking Tasty Machine Learning Cookies
From ACM TechNews

Google's New AI Learns By Baking Tasty Machine Learning Cookies

Google Vizier is an artificial intelligence system that automatically tunes other artificial intelligence programs.

Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of Dna
From ACM News

Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of Dna

When biologists synthesize DNA, they take pains not to create or spread a dangerous stretch of genetic code that could be used to create a toxin or, worse, an infectious...

To Fix Voting Machines, Hackers Tear Them Apart
From ACM News

To Fix Voting Machines, Hackers Tear Them Apart

The toughest thing to convey to newcomers at the DefCon Voting Village in Las Vegas this weekend? Just how far they could go with hacking voting machines set up...

New Nasa Tech Kills Trespassing Drones Without Touching Them
From ACM News

New Nasa Tech Kills Trespassing Drones Without Touching Them

In the most nightmarish drone scenarios, one of the little whirlybirds flies into an airliner, or wanders into military airspace, or swoops down on the White House...

To End Distracted Driving, Mit Figures Out How People Really Drive
From ACM TechNews

To End Distracted Driving, Mit Figures Out How People Really Drive

Researchers are producing accurate models of people's behavior in cars, in order to shape that behavior to preserve safety.

How an Entire Nation Became Russia's Test Lab For Cyberwar
From ACM News

How an Entire Nation Became Russia's Test Lab For Cyberwar

The clocks read zero when the lights went out.

Everything We Know About Russia's Election-Hacking Playbook
From ACM News

Everything We Know About Russia's Election-Hacking Playbook

Just when the cybersecurity world thinks it's found the limits of how far Russian hackers will go to meddle in foreign elections, a new clue emerges that suggests...

Russian Hackers Are ­sing 'tainted' Leaks to Sow Disinformation
From ACM News

Russian Hackers Are ­sing 'tainted' Leaks to Sow Disinformation

Over the past year, the Kremlin's strategy of weaponizing leaks to meddle with democracies around the world has become increasingly clear, first in the US and more...

Watch Hackers Sabotage an Industrial Robot Arm
From ACM News

Watch Hackers Sabotage an Industrial Robot Arm

When the cybersecurity industry warns of digital threats to the "internet of things," the targets that come to mind are ill-conceived, insecure consumer products...

Inside the Hunt For Russia's Most Notorious Hacker
From ACM News

Inside the Hunt For Russia's Most Notorious Hacker

On the morning of December 30, the day after Barack Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for interfering in the 2016 US election, Tillmann Werner was sitting down...

How the Cia's Hacking Hoard Makes Everyone Less Secure
From ACM News

How the Cia's Hacking Hoard Makes Everyone Less Secure

When Wikileaks yesterday released a trove of documents purporting to show how the CIA hacks everything from smartphones to PCs to smart televisions, the agency's...
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