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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google and Microsoft to Become Chipmakers
From ACM News

The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google and Microsoft to Become Chipmakers

By now our future is clear: We are to be cared for, entertained, and monetized by artificial intelligence.

New Nasa Tech Kills Trespassing Drones Without Touching Them
From ACM News

New Nasa Tech Kills Trespassing Drones Without Touching Them

In the most nightmarish drone scenarios, one of the little whirlybirds flies into an airliner, or wanders into military airspace, or swoops down on the White House...

Want a Robot that Can Really Feel? Give It Whiskers
From ACM News

Want a Robot that Can Really Feel? Give It Whiskers

Among the many reasons humans are bizarre among mammals (the dearth of body hair, the bipedalism, the fact that someone invented the turducken) is a sad shortcoming...

To End Distracted Driving, Mit Figures Out How People Really Drive
From ACM TechNews

To End Distracted Driving, Mit Figures Out How People Really Drive

Researchers are producing accurate models of people's behavior in cars, in order to shape that behavior to preserve safety.

Two Giants of AI Team ­p to Head Off the Robot Apocalypse
From ACM News

Two Giants of AI Team ­p to Head Off the Robot Apocalypse

There's nothing new about worrying that superintelligent machines may endanger humanity, but the idea has lately become hard to avoid.

Juno Shatters Scientists' Jupiter Theories in Just 365 Days
From ACM News

Juno Shatters Scientists' Jupiter Theories in Just 365 Days

Last July 4th, NASA's Juno spacecraft slowed its record breaking pace just enough to get caught in the pull of Jupiter's gravity.

This Cellphone Can Make Calls Even Without a Battery
From ACM TechNews

This Cellphone Can Make Calls Even Without a Battery

Researchers have developed a prototype cellphone that functions without a battery, drawing power from the surrounding environment.

Curiosity Doesn't Need Your Help Blasting Rocks with a Laser
From ACM News

Curiosity Doesn't Need Your Help Blasting Rocks with a Laser

As cars here on Earth begin to drive themselves and robots autonomously roam sidewalks delivering food and nearly running over dogs, over on Mars, the Curiosity...

How an Entire Nation Became Russia's Test Lab For Cyberwar
From ACM News

How an Entire Nation Became Russia's Test Lab For Cyberwar

The clocks read zero when the lights went out.

Facebook Teaches Bots How to Negotiate. They Learn to Lie Instead
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Teaches Bots How to Negotiate. They Learn to Lie Instead

Newly released code purportedly will enable bots to negotiate.

The Pentagon Looks to Videogames For the Future of War
From ACM News

The Pentagon Looks to Videogames For the Future of War

The first real computer, the ENIAC, was built in 1946. The first computer war game appeared two years later.

Everything We Know About Russia's Election-Hacking Playbook
From ACM News

Everything We Know About Russia's Election-Hacking Playbook

Just when the cybersecurity world thinks it's found the limits of how far Russian hackers will go to meddle in foreign elections, a new clue emerges that suggests...

How Google Copes When Even It Can't Afford Enough Gear
From ACM Opinion

How Google Copes When Even It Can't Afford Enough Gear

Urs Hölzle has a big job.

Banned From the ­s? There's a Robot For That
From ACM News

Banned From the ­s? There's a Robot For That

Two telepresence robots roll into a human-computer interaction conference.

Russian Hackers Are ­sing 'tainted' Leaks to Sow Disinformation
From ACM News

Russian Hackers Are ­sing 'tainted' Leaks to Sow Disinformation

Over the past year, the Kremlin's strategy of weaponizing leaks to meddle with democracies around the world has become increasingly clear, first in the US and more...

Your Camera Wants to Kill the Keyboard
From ACM News

Your Camera Wants to Kill the Keyboard

Snapchat knew it from the start, but in recent months Google and Facebook have all but confirmed it: The keyboard, slowly but surely, is fading into obscurity. ...

A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the ­itimate Sequencer
From ACM News

A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the ­itimate Sequencer

The world's largest genetics research center isn't at Harvard or Stanford or even the NIH. It's a 20-mile drive from Hong Kong International Airport, in the bustling...

Google's AI Invents Sounds Humans Have Never Heard Before
From ACM TechNews

Google's AI Invents Sounds Humans Have Never Heard Before

Google researchers have found a way to use artificial intelligence to produce entirely new sounds.

How Nasa Visualizes Stunning Worlds Without Really Seeing Them
From ACM News

How Nasa Visualizes Stunning Worlds Without Really Seeing Them

Everyone likes a good space photo.

The Finesse of Flying Cassini Between Saturn's Rings
From ACM News

The Finesse of Flying Cassini Between Saturn's Rings

The Cassini space probe is going to dive through Saturn's rings again on Wednesday, the third of a planned 22 orbits threading that planetary needle as the probe...
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