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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Programming Language Popularity: JavaScript Leads--5 Million New Developers Since 2017
From ACM TechNews

Programming Language Popularity: JavaScript Leads--5 Million New Developers Since 2017

SlashData's State of the Developer Nation Q3 2020 survey found JavaScript remains the reigning coding language for developers.

Contact Tracing: England's Long-Awaited App Hits 10 Million Downloads
From ACM TechNews

Contact Tracing: England's Long-Awaited App Hits 10 Million Downloads

The U.K. National Health Service's Covid-19 contact tracing app hit 10 million downloads just four days after its release.

Australia's Report on Agtech Confirms Technology Can Lead to Fertile Future
From ACM TechNews

Australia's Report on Agtech Confirms Technology Can Lead to Fertile Future

A new report says emerging technologies could enhance the productivity, diversity, and profitability of Australia's agricultural sector.

IBM to Open-Source Space Junk Collision Avoidance
From ACM TechNews

IBM to Open-Source Space Junk Collision Avoidance

Researchers are working on an open source project to determine and predict the orbits of anthropogenic space objects (ASOs)—man-made space debris—in order to avoid...

AI 'Resurrects' 54 Roman Emperors, in Stunningly Lifelike Images
From ACM News

AI 'Resurrects' 54 Roman Emperors, in Stunningly Lifelike Images

An artist used machine learning to create the photorealistic portraits.

This Is How Much Top Hackers Are Earning From Bug Bounties
From ACM TechNews

This Is How Much Top Hackers Are Earning From Bug Bounties

More than $44.75 million in bounties was awarded to hackers worldwide over the past year, up 86% year-on-year, according to HackerOne.

People's Notions About AI Are Terrible, an MIT Study Asks Whether They Can Be Helped
From ACM TechNews

People's Notions About AI Are Terrible, an MIT Study Asks Whether They Can Be Helped

Researchers surveyed several hundred people to determine whether they view artificial intelligence as an agent or a tool.

This Raspberry Pi-Powered AI Helps Robots to Sort Through Your Recycling
From ACM TechNews

This Raspberry Pi-Powered AI Helps Robots to Sort Through Your Recycling

Researchers at Liverpool Hope University in the U.K. created a tool that can sort materials for recycling by combining a Raspberry Pi 3 model with optical sensors...

If We Put Computers in Our Brains, Strange Things Might Happen to Our Minds
From ACM News

If We Put Computers in Our Brains, Strange Things Might Happen to Our Minds

Using a brain-computer interface can fundamentally change our grey matter, a view of ourselves, and even how fast our brains can change the world.

CISA: Chinese State Hackers Are Exploiting F5, Citrix, Pulse Secure, Exchange Bugs
From ACM TechNews

CISA: Chinese State Hackers Are Exploiting F5, Citrix, Pulse Secure, Exchange Bugs

An advisory from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warns of attacks against U.S. federal networks by hacker groups associated with China's...

Police Drones Take to U.K. Skies
From ACM TechNews

Police Drones Take to U.K. Skies

U.K. police agencies are trying out the use of aerial drones to support ground-based forces in scenarios where helicopter or aircraft deployments may be less practical...

Most Cybersecurity Reports Only Focus on the Cool Threats
From ACM TechNews

Most Cybersecurity Reports Only Focus on the Cool Threats

A study found just 82 of 629 commercial cybersecurity reports published in the last decade discuss threats to civil society, with the rest devoted to cybercrime...

Millions of WordPress Sites Are Being Probed, Attacked With Recent Plugin Bug
From ACM TechNews

Millions of WordPress Sites Are Being Probed, Attacked With Recent Plugin Bug

Defiant Inc. reports millions of WordPress sites have been attacked by hackers exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in the "File Manager" WordPress plugin.

Malware Gang Uses .NET Library to Generate Excel Docs That Bypass Security Checks
From ACM TechNews

Malware Gang Uses .NET Library to Generate Excel Docs That Bypass Security Checks

Security researchers at NVISO Labs discovered a malware gang is using a .NET library to create malicious Excel files.

The U.K. Is Building Its First Commercial Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

The U.K. Is Building Its First Commercial Quantum Computer

U.K. science minister Amanda Solloway says Britain's first commercial quantum computer, supported by government and industry, will be available for use by businesses...

Developers: These Are the Programming Languages that Pay the Most
From ACM TechNews

Developers: These Are the Programming Languages that Pay the Most

A survey by freelance hiring platform Upwork found that freelance software developers who work with old, relatively unpopular coding languages command the highest...

Autonomous Plane Takes Off with Passengers, Cargo
From ACM News

Autonomous Plane Takes Off with Passengers, Cargo

Pilotless planes are here, and the FAA is getting onboard for short-distance regional transportation.  

Elephants vs Trains: AI Helps Ensure They Don't Collide
From ACM TechNews

Elephants vs Trains: AI Helps Ensure They Don't Collide

Researchers have developed a "smart ear" to help prevent fatal collisions involving elephants and trains in India.

AI-Based Traffic Management Gets Green Light
From ACM TechNews

AI-Based Traffic Management Gets Green Light

The NoTraffic autonomous traffic management company has deployed an artificial intelligence-driven traffic management system in Phoenix, AZ.

Microsoft Pays $13.7 Million in Security Bug Bounties
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Pays $13.7 Million in Security Bug Bounties

Microsoft has awarded $13.7 million to security researchers since July 2019 for reporting bugs in its software, which is triple the $4.4 million from the same period...
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