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Communications of the ACM


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subjectPersonal Computing

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What's That Smell?
From Communications of the ACM

What's That Smell?

Digital scent technologies bring aromas to virtual reality.

Virtual Reality as Therapy
From Communications of the ACM

Virtual Reality as Therapy

Leveraging precisely designed alternate realities as therapeutic tools.

Epigenomics Now
From Communications of the ACM

Epigenomics Now

Computer power helps biologists track the regulation of genetic information.

Why Are Lawyers Afraid of AI?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Are Lawyers Afraid of AI?

Generative artificial intelligence and the law: there is no turning back.

Biomedical Digital Twins
From Communications of the ACM

Biomedical Digital Twins

Considering the transformative possibilities of simulated models of biological phenomena and systems at multiple scales.

The Fight to Repair
From Communications of the ACM

The Fight to Repair

How the battle over the right to repair is tipping in favor of consumers.

Using Psychology to Bolster Cybersecurity
From Communications of the ACM

Using Psychology to Bolster Cybersecurity

Getting into the minds of attackers to protect the enterprise.
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